The Asian Studies main office is closed on Fridays in support of our new Green Day initiative

Graphic by Zoë Bigelow

In an effort to reduce our carbon foot-print and promote sustainability, starting in February 2022 the office staff will now be working remotely from home every Friday. Based on the results of a Commute Carbon Footprint survey completed by nine full-time staff members plus two Work learn students, our office is saving 0.03 Metric Tons (30 kilograms!) of CO2 per week. That’s the equivalent of 12.8 litres of gasoline consumed or 3,649 smartphones charged.

Green Fridays are part of a wider departmental initiative that encourages students, faculty and staff  to become more aware of what they can do to fight climate change, and encourage environmental sustainability. Staff will still be reachable via email, but the physical office in Room 607 of the Asian Centre will be closed. Office hours remain as 9:00am to 4:00pm.

Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculators: