We would love to hear your perspectives as a *UBC Faculty of Medicine faculty member who identifies as a cis or trans woman, trans man or as Two Spirit, intersex, gender non-binary, agender, gender fluid or otherwise gender diverse. We are particularly interested in the perspectives of faculty members who also identify as Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour.

*UBC Faculty of Medicine faculty members include those individuals with a faculty appointment within the Faculty of Medicine: clinical faculty, full-time/academic/tenure track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, affiliate or honorary faculty, etc. This also includes faculty members at UNBC, UVic and UBC-O who are connected to and work within UBC contexts (e.g. Northern Medical Program).

Ways to Participate

There are several options for confidential and/or anonymous participation with our project:

(1) online open-ended survey (completely anonymous) OR

(2) individual or group# interview (confidentiality can be maintained for the public – you may choose to use a pseudonym or nickname during the interview) and/or

(3) participant forum (information coming at a later date).

Because we are striving to ensure that our sample is diverse across not just gender identity, racial/ethnic background, geography/location, faculty rank, career stage etc., but also other intersecting identities, regardless of the participation method you may select, you will be prompted to complete a short demographic survey. To protect your identity, demographic categories with fewer than five respondents will be suppressed and/or aggregated.

#This includes pre-existing groups that would like to schedule a group interview.

For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact the research assistants via email:

Participate Now

Survey Info Page

Interview Info Page

Call for participants poster. It states the same information stated above such as who can qualify as a participant. It also includes this website address and principal investigator name.