UBC increases per diem rates as of September 1, 2022

Thursday, August 25, 2022

When travelling for UBC business, UBC employees may be reimbursed for the cost of meals.

UBC annually reviews the per diem rates for travel, taking into consideration changes in cost and comparability with other institutions.

As a result of this review and our community’s feedback, and as travel activities recover from COVID-19, UBC’s per diem rates will increase as follows, effective September 1, 2022:

  Canada (CAD) USA & International (CAD)
Breakfast $18  $24 
Lunch $20  $26
Dinner $42 $50
Daily Total $80  $100

As of September 1, the revised rates will only be displayed in Canadian dollars in Workday; therefore, the existing expense items, ‘Meals | Per Diem US’ and ‘Meals | Per Diem EUR’ will be inactivated and replaced with ‘Meals | Per Diem Can’ and ‘Meals | Per Diem Intl’ (which includes the US and countries other than Canada). The process of claiming per diems will remain unchanged.

More details are available on the Meals per Diem & Mileage Rate.