View the second round of spring-inspired blossoms from faculty and staff

Image credit: Maryam Karandish

A few weeks ago, when fresh new blooms emerged in the interior and around the province, our colleagues in the Okanagan asked for more opportunities to share their snapshots. In response to their request, UBC Okanagan faculty and staff (and anyone who didn’t get a chance to submit a photo) were invited to submit their spring-inspired photos. A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to send us a photo and share their comments and captions.

Take a look at what we received in response to our special additional call for photos. 

Sakura in full bloom.
Image credit: Himani Katyal
Submitter: Himani Katyal, Arts
Pup stops to smell the flowers.
Image credit: Cara Kirkey
Submitter: Cara Kirkey, Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan
Live life in full bloom.
Image credit: Jeoungsuk Su
Submitter: Jeoungsuk Su, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, Medicine
Shooting Stars show up at the same time as Balsamroot in the Okanagan. These small flowers are a treat to the eye.
Image credit: Dr. Robert Lalonde
Submitter: Dr. Robert Lalonde, Biology
Q: Which one of these don't belong? A: They all belong - to Spring.
Image credit: Ismail Rahman
Submitter: Ismail Rahman, VP Finance & Operations
Celebrate the change because change is beautiful. (Photo is about an Indian festival "Bathukamma", which is celebrated on motive of accepting the change).
Image credit: Akshay Kumar Bharatha
Submitter: Akshay Kumar Bharatha, Hiring Solutions
Rain-fallen blossoms.
Image credit: Ismail Rahman
Submitter: Ismail Rahman, VP Finance & Operations
After many grey days in winter, magic happened in Vancouver. Finally, in April, beautiful Vancouver gets a magnificent metamorphosis. It's the time to walk or bike around to chase this spectacle of Nature.
Image credit: Armando Alcazar Magana
Submitter: Armando Alcazar Magana, Life Sciences Institute
One of the most captivating carpets you can find around UBC campus.
Image credit: Armando Alcazar Magana
Submitter: Armando Alcazar Magana, Life Sciences Institute
Cherry blossoms in the air at Balaclava Street.
Image credit: Murveena J.
Submitter: Murveena J., Rehabilitation Sciences, Medicine
Hello Spring at Balaclava Street.
Image credit: Murveena J.
Submitter: Murveena J., Rehabilitation Sciences, Medicine
On my walk I saw...
Image credit: Nicole Didiuk
Submitter: Nicole Didiuk, Continuing Professional Development, Medicine
Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change could be.
Image credit: Maryam Karandish
Submitter: Maryam Karandish, IRP Student
You can learn a lot of things from the flowers. Let your dreams blossom.
Image credit: Maryam Karandish
Submitter: Maryam Karandish, IRP Student
Spring blossoms at Shannon Lake.
Image credit: Viola Cohen
Submitter: Viola Cohen, University Relations
Bee laden with pollen carrying water droplet.
Image credit: Margo Yacheshyn
Submitter: Margo Yacheshyn, Communications and Marketing/University Relations
Magnolia splendour on UBC Okanagan campus.
Image credit: Margo Yacheshyn
Submitter: Margo Yacheshyn, Communications and Marketing/University Relations
Close up of bold, red rhododendrons.
Image credit: Jackie Hallet
Submitter: Jackie Hallet, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver
Bloom bloom baby! Cherry blossoms outside BC Children's Hospital Research Institute, ft. the BioBank team.
Image credit: Dr. Sharri Cyrus
Submitter: Veronica Chow, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, BioBank
Colours of Spring.
Image credit: Ah Young Kim
Submitter: Ah Young Kim, Statistics
Beautiful flow(ers) of life and energy.
Image credit: Terry Moser
Submitter: Terry Moser, Civil Engineering, Applied Science
The beauty of Cherry Blossom is obviously mesmerizing even at night.
Image credit: Ruby Lazo
Submitter: Ruby Lazo, Residence Dining, Student Housing and Community Services
Balsam root light up the hills in the Okanagan every spring.
Image credit: Allison Gilbert
Submitter: Allison Gilbert, Southern Medical Program
Spring Saskatoon Berry Blossoms.
Image credit: Katrina Harmer
Submitter: Marja Harmer, Business Career Centre, Sauder School of Business
Arrowleaf Balsam Root, official flower of Kelowna, at UBC’s Okanagan campus.
Image credit: Adam Schubel
Submitter: Adam Schubel, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Burst like flowers do in the spring.
Image credit: Akshay Kumar Bharatha
Submitter: Akshay Kumar Bharatha, Hiring Solutions
Arrow-leafed Balsamroot, otherwise known here at the Okanagan Sunflower. This very showy plant carpets the Ponderosa Pine forest floor with its yellow blooms in the month of April.
Image credit: Dr. Robert Lalonde
Submitter: Dr. Robert Lalonde, Biology
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