Policies & Protocols

Be a team player

UBC has various guidelines, policies, and protocols that relate to communications and how we represent the university. Get familiar with them so that you can best represent UBC in your role.

We want to communicate

UBC is a forum for critical discussion, debate, and unbiased inquiry with a mandate to advance and disseminate knowledge. Effective relations with the community, particularly through dialogue, are an important element in this process.

UBC welcomes ideas and input, striving for openness in its exchanges with individuals and groups both internally and externally, while respecting legislated bounds of privacy, proprietary rights on intellectual property, safety and security, and encouraging a diversity of views. You can read the whole policy on the university counsel website.

We do not endorse products on behalf of UBC

Vendors have found that UBC’s endorsement of a product can substantially add to its value and marketability and may ask you for such an endorsement. Your personal endorsement of any product does not constitute UBC’s endorsement and should not be given in any way that might lead anyone to believe it does. You can read the whole policy on the university counsel website.

We respect UBC trademarks

In order for UBC to continue to attract and retain its students, faculty, and staff, it must take active steps to protect its reputation and identity. One way the university protects its reputation is by registering and policing its trademarks. The portfolio of UBC trademarks is managed by the Office of the University Counsel.

You can read the complete list of university trademarks on the Office of the University Counsel’s website. The Counsel’s Office also supplies more detailed information on trademarks at UBC.

We follow the UBC Brand Policy

UBC Brand & Marketing manages the oversight and project management of the UBC Brand, as governed by the Brand Identity policy on the Office of the University Counsel website. Visit the UBC Brand website for guidelines, templates, and other resources.

We work with UBC Media Relations

UBC Media Relations provides oversight and management of the university’s external reputation. If you are ever approached by a broadcast news outlet, or want to tell a story outside of UBC, get in touch with your communications advisor or contact Media Relations. Please do not speak to the media representing the university without specific permission from Communications & Engagement or Media Relations.