The Cedar Awards
This month, we are happy to announce that Dr. Morgan Price is the Cedar Award recipient. He is being recognized for his leadership, mentorship, and innovative ideas. You can learn more about him here.
Congratulations, Morgan!
Reminder: We are always looking for nominations! If there is someone you would like to submit for recognition, please email
Department Recognition
UBC medical community recognized by Medical Alumni Association
"The UBC Medical Alumni Association (MAA) will be celebrating the achievements of several members of the UBC medical community at its upcoming AGM & Awards Ceremony. Though their varied contributions, each of this year’s award recipients has helped build a more dynamic and robust community through their service and actions."
Read more from the Faculty of Medicine here.
Winners of the 2022/2023 Edwin S.H. Leong Healthy Aging Program Postdoctoral Fellowship!
Elham Esfandiari was announced as one of the winners of the Edwin S.H. Leong Health Aging Program Postdoctoral Fellowship.
The objective of Elham’s project is to conduct semi-structured interviews with social providers and individuals who have accessed social prescribing in BC to gain insight into its implementation. This information will be used to develop an online program to assist social prescribers in referring individuals to appropriate programs and to guide future research and practice in social prescribing in other parts of Canada.
Read more here.
Nomination Opportunities
Call for Nominations: UBC Distinguished University Scholar (DUS) Award internal selection
The Faculty of Medicine is launching an internal selection process to nominate three faculty members for the 2023 UBC Distinguished University Scholar (DUS) award. This program recognizes exceptional members of faculty who have distinguished themselves as scholars in research and/or teaching and learning, or who have the potential to demonstrate such leadership.
Program highlights:
- Five year stipend and one-time research support, for a total funding of $120k;
- Faculty of Medicine is limited to three nominees to put forward;
- Full-time tenured faculty members in both research and education streams are eligible to be nominated;
- CRC holders cannot be nominated, unless CRC term ends by DUS appointment start date, other special chairs are also not eligible;
- FoM internal selection deadline: June 29, 2023, 5pm
- Nomination deadline: September 1, 2023
To nominate a colleague, please submit the following items by the internal selection deadline (June 29) to
- A short description prepared by the nominee describing current work and plans for the next 5 years (max 2 pages).
- Up-to-date UBC CV of the nominee.
- Three letters of support from arms-length referees, including a brief description of the research and profile of each referee. Definition of arms-length can be found in the SAC guide section 5.5.4.
- A draft letter, on behalf of the Dean, with rationale for nomination (max 2 pages), including a summary of highlights of the nominee's publishing record and a note about publication norms.
Please refer to the award website for additional details: If any questions come up, please let me know (
2023 PGME Program Awards
PGME wishes recognize the excellence of many of the faculty and staff involved in our programs, and we would like to hear from you. If you would like to nominate a Program or Site Director, Faculty member or Program Administrator for their contribution to postgraduate medical education at UBC, please click the link below which will allow you to make a nomination.
For all nominations, consideration will be given to contributions in program leadership, support of the program, their impact on education and learning and other facets of residency education (see criteria within the link below for more details). All those completing the form below may nominate no more than one person per category.
Nomination form:
Nominations close May 17.
2023 Faculty of Medicine Awards nominations – June 9, 2023 Deadline
UBC Faculty of Medicine is pleased to announce upcoming award nominations, and including the increase to the monetary offering for two staff awards - Applegarth Staff Service Awards and the Dean’s Staff Awards. Learn more here.
Statement from the Resident Resiliency Committee (RRC) on Red Dress Day
May 5 marked Red Dress Day, or the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit Persons (MMIWG2s). Read here for the statement from the Resident Resiliency Committee.
June Research Round: Motivating, Sustaining and Evolving Family Physician Leaders
Dr. Judith Belle Brown will be presenting on...
Read more and find the Zoom link here.
This Research Round will be presented both in person and on Zoom. If you would like to join at the Chan Gunn Pavilion, please email Note that there is limited capacity so in-person seats are not guaranteed.
Disrupting the Status Quo: Intersecting Inequities Impacting Women in the FoM and Opportunities for Change
The UBC Faculty of Medicine (FoM) Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) is pleased to invite you to join our 2nd virtual Annual Symposium entitled: “Disrupting the Status Quo: Intersecting Inequities Impacting Women in the FoM and Opportunities for Change.”
Learn more and register here.
May is Asian Heritage Month at UBC
View featured events happening this month, including a book launch, musical events, exhibits, workshops and more!
Virtual Workshop: What do accommodations look like in the real world?
The Office of Faculty Development is excited to share details about an upcoming virtual workshop. Please click here to register and/or help spread the word to those who may be interested in attending.
Facilitator: Sarah Knitter
Time: Tuesday May 16, 2023 (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PT)
Location: Virtual on Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to those registered)
Objective: Describe how accommodations can be applied in clinical practice and the learning environment
Target Audience: Clinical teachers and leads in the MDUP
As we focus on improving our recruitment and retention of diverse learners, including disabled students, have we created an accessible and inclusive environment that reduces barriers to their success? The implementation of academic accommodations are well established (e.g., extra time on exams, lecture notetakers), but what about in the clinical setting? Learn what’s happening across the province and how UBC is a leader in implementing accommodations in clinical education. Reflect on what work still needs to be done to enhance accessibility. Hear about creative accommodation solutions and gain an understanding of how accommodations are assessed and implemented. Spark your interest before (or after) this workshop by listening to this podcast.

Embracing Anti-racism in Health Care
The Province of BC has officially declared May 23–29, 2023 as Anti-Racism Awareness Week. In collaboration with Providence Health Care and Fraser Health, the REDI Office is organizing a series of events and resources to commemorate this important week and foster anti-racism action across the healthcare sector in BC. The highlight of the week will be the moderated panel discussion “Embracing Anti-Racism in Health Care” on Thursday, May 25, 12–1:30 pm. The purpose of this panel is to shift the focus from mere awareness of racism to concrete anti-racism actions. The panel discussion will focus on practical ways we can promote anti-racism in our healthcare environments, education, and research.
Read more here.
REDI’s 2nd Annual Symposium | Disrupting the Status Quo: Intersecting Inequities Impacting Women in the FoM and Opportunities for Change
Register for the second REDI Annual Symposium, held online on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 from 9:30 am–1:30 pm. The event keynote speaker is Dr. Terri Aldred, and will feature Derek Thompson, Dr. Bonita Sawatzky, Dr. Brittany Bingham, Dr. Tal Jarus, Dr. Tatiana Sotindjo, Dr. Maria Hubinette, Dr. Neila Miled, Nasim Peikazadi and Sonia Medel. Hear their perspectives on leadership, opportunities and barriers in the context of health professions practice, education and research. We will centre intersectionality and the differentiated experiences of women as we critically examine how current academic systems and hierarchies create additional barriers for women and ideas for change.
Read more here.
Grants and Funding Opportunities
Faculty Research Award
The Faculty of Medicine is now accepting applications for this year’s New Faculty Research Award, valued at $10,000 per award maximum.
Applicants must be in the first two years of their first full-time faculty appointment as Assistant Professor and higher, or a Clinical faculty appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor and higher in the UBC Faculty of Medicine. Previous awardees and applicants who have received $200,000 or more in Start Up Funds are ineligible for this opportunity. The funds may be used for research equipment, research supplies and/or research services (e.g., cost recovery payments to core equipment), and research support salaries (e.g., technical personnel).
The application deadline is JUNE 26, 2023 at 5:00pm. Further information and the online application form are available on MedNet at
Please contact Meredith Ladner at if you have any questions about this opportunity.
Newly Published GPAC Guidelines
The Primary Care Division of the BC Ministry of Health Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC) has two new publications.
Infectious Diarrhea
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Folate Deficiency
Shedding Light on Reducing Cesarean Birth Risk in Individuals with Obesity
Dr. Cecilia Jevitt's latest manuscript on supporting individuals with obesity, “Management of Labor and Delivery to Reduce Risk for Cesarean Birth in Women with Obesity was published in Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports. Read it here:
Of special interest to family practice physicians providing maternity care, readers can also access manuscripts in this special issue on preventing cardiac complications for those with obesity in pregnancy, infertility treatment for individuals with obesity and congenital anomalies associated with obesity.
International Labour and Birth Conference in Grange Over Sand, April 24-26
Four midwifery faculty members presented their work at the International Labour and Birth Conference in Grange Over Sand, England, April 24-26. UBC Midwifery had research presentations by Dr. Saraswathi Vedam (respectful maternity care); Dr. Cecilia Jevitt and Dr. Kathrin Stoll (metabolic health in pregnancy in BC 2008-2018; and Dr. Kaveri Mayra), Birth Place Lab postdoctoral fellow (trauma and abuse in maternity care). Dr. Kathrin Stoll was additionally part of a Polish research team that studied fear of childbirth in Poland, using her validated fear in childbirth scale. Dr. Vedam, a member of the conference planning committee, additionally moderated several sessions. Jane Wines hosted a table promoting UBC Midwifery’s Internationally Educate Midwives Bridging Program. UBC Midwifery’s research and education was a prominent presence at this meeting.
Virtual International Day of the Midwife
On May 5th, a group of volunteer midwives and communications technologists presented 24 hours of free, online news and education about midwifery and birth. This was Cecilia Jevitt’s 10th year on the Virtual International Day of the Midwife (VIDM) Program Committee and the program’s 15th year. Starting with three countries, the VIDM hosted participants from 41 this year (map below). This year, UBC Midwifery visiting scholars Jade Zheng and Jialu Qian did presentations of their research in perinatal bereavement. In past years, Drs. Vedam and Mayra also presented at the VIDM. This program celebrates the May 5th International Day of the Midwife by sharing information with midwives around the world. The broadcast was attended by midwives in places as diverse as Brunei, Nigeria, and Belgium.
Team Up! Podcast Season 5
Have you ever wondered about the various roles in team-based care? Want to know more about what different health professionals can bring to TBC? Catch Season 5: Role Call of the Team Up! Podcast for a deep dive on TBC roles! Episodes coming up in May include, Patients (May 9th), MOAs (May 16th), Pharmacists (May 23rd), and Social Workers & Mental Health Consultants (May 30th).
Government of Canada to announce measures to strengthen abortion access in Canada (May 9, 2023)
The Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, on behalf of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, made an important announcement on funding for projects to help strengthen abortion access across Canada. Minister Ien will be joined by representatives of partner organizations.
Read more from Health Canada here and from the Facuty of Medicine here.
Career Opportunity
The Department of Family Practice is hiring for the role of Program Director, Postgraduate Medical Education. Learn more about this opportunity and apply here.
HR Corner
May 2023 is a month full of programs and events. In early May, Mental Health Awareness Week and UBC Sports Day enabled UBC members to improve our understanding of both physical and mental health. As we head into the latter part of May, we invite you to actively partake in these initiatives hosted by the greater university community to learn more about new educational initiatives or projects to elevate your employee experience. In this month’s HR Corner, we’ve highlighted a few resources for you to explore.
Team Update
Join us in welcoming our summer Work Learn Students, Sarah Ogoshi and Asina Mitha! Sarah will be supporting our HR team over the summer (May to August 2023) on special projects and administration. Asina will be supporting communications initiatives including revitalizing our socials. Please join us in welcoming them!
About Sarah: Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Ogoshi from Japan. I am going into my third year of study at Sauder and intend to specialize in OBHR. I am very excited about the weather and all kinds of activities like outdoor movie screenings since it is my first time spending summer in Vancouver. I am also working at Starbucks part-time, so I am more than happy to answer any questions about drinks and food! I like watching Netflix series, dancing and going to karaoke during my free time. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and am very excited for this summer!
About Asina: I'm a third-year student at UBC, and am currently studying English Literature. I've always loved reading anything I could get my hands on (hence my major) and can often be found outside, playing softball or enjoying the sun. I'm looking forward to help raise awareness about all the work done at UBC Family Practice in every capacity I can!
As a reminder, the following are the employee portfolio split and responsibilities:
- Maria Jurado, Manager, HR - Point of contact for tenured faculty lifecycle, Escalated questions and concerns
- Annie Lai, Assistant Manager, HR – Escalated questions and concerns for term/clinical faculty lifecycle
- Adrian Whitehead, HR Assistant – Point of contact for 1st level Staff/Student questions, Workday, Payroll Processing
- Ara Silva, Clinical Faculty Coordinator – Clinical Faculty Appointment and Reappointment Process
- Sarah Ogoshi, Work Learn HR Student – HR and Administrative Special Projects
UBC HR Central Support
The following is a reminder on services/support provided by other Central HR departments and units on certain topics:
- Payroll – if you have a payroll issue that cannot be resolved on a departmental level, including questions about tax forms and deductions, please contract Integrated Service Centre at or 604-822-8200 (UBCV)
- Employment Verification Letter- Did you know Payroll also generates employment verification letters for faculty and staff on payroll? Please reach out at or 604-822-8200 (UBCV) and allow for minimum 10 business days.
- Workday – If you are experiencing issues with onboarding, enter information, or locate information on Workday, please contact or 604-822-8200 (UBCV) or visit Workday Resources at
- Benefits – Questions about enrollment on benefits or support on benefits can be addressed to or 604-822-8111.
- Pensions – Questions on staff and faculty pension plan are found here
- Learning and Development – Online Courses/Trainings – Many new hire orientations, trainings, and additional training resources can be found here
Department of Family Practice
3rd Floor David Strangway Building
5950 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3