tə šxʷhəleləm̓s tə k̓ʷaƛ̓kʷəʔaʔɬ is now occupied
The student residence project tə šxʷhəleləm̓s tə k̓ʷaƛ̓kʷəʔaʔɬ (The Houses of the Ones Belonging to the Saltwater), formerly called UBC Pacific Residence, is now occupied.
Providing housing for nearly 750 students in a revitalized area of campus alongside Walter Gage, Brock Commons and Exchange residences, tə šxʷhəleləm̓s tə k̓ʷaƛ̓kʷəʔaʔɬ is just steps away from the UBC bus exchange, Aquatic Centre, and Student Recreation Centre. The AMS Nest, UBC Life Building and many other campus amenities are also right nearby.
To learn more about this project, visit the Infrastructure Development website.
Pedestrian priority areas on campus
UBC Pedestrian Priority Areas are designed to create a safe, pedestrian-friendly community for those attending, working, or visiting UBC. These areas are vehicle-free to prioritize walking and slow cycling.
Please see the map to familiarize yourself with the Pedestrian Priority Areas. Any fleet vehicle requiring access to buildings or spaces located within these areas should first use back-of-house routes to access the buildings. If a back-of-house route is not possible and access into the Pedestrian Priority Area is required, drivers must operate in a safe and respectful manner as follows:
- Travel slowly with flashers on. No swerving around pedestrians or cyclists.
- No parking on any grass areas.
- When parking to carry out required work, pull off of the main pathway if possible. If not, park to the side to avoid blocking any other pathways.
Centralizing supplies and inventory initiative
The funding previously used for the Assistant Storekeeper and Storekeeper role will be transferred from Custodial Services to Municipal Services Stores to centralize the supplies ordering and inventory management processes within UBC Facilities.
This change will remove the Storekeeper role in Custodial Services, and help increase efficiencies for Custodial Services when ordering supplies and enable Municipal Services Stores to add two additional Store operator positions tasked with delivering custodial inventory items to their respective inventory locations.
Tip: How to change your name in Planon
Did you know that you can change how your name is displayed in Planon?
- Log into Workday
- Click on the head icon in the top left of the screen to access your profile
- Click ‘View Profile’ and scroll down to the ‘Personal’ section on the left
- Edit your 'Preferred Name'
If you don't set a Preferred Name, your legal name will automatically be used.
Job openings
All positions at UBC are available on the UBC HR Careers website, or through the career application in your Workday account. Please note that applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on the day prior to the posting end date. The following VPFO positions are currently open:
- Service Centre Coordinator (JR7735) – 5/27/2022
Don't forget to apply as an internal candidate! Please review the Apply for an Internal Job Posting guide in the Workday Knowledge Base for instructions on how to apply.
In case you've missed it
In case you've missed it Here is a quick recap of key events and information that you may have missed. For more details, please click on the links below or refer to our weekly portfolio newsletter, VPFO Update.
EDI: Anti-Racism Awareness Week of BC
May 23 to 29, 2022 marks the second annual Anti-Racism Awareness Week in British Columbia.
In May 2021, the Province of BC declared anti-racism awareness week from May 23 – 29 — a chance for British Columbians to stand in solidarity against racism through reflection and learnings.
On May 21, 2022, the Province went a step further and introduced anti-racism legislation to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The goal is to introduce race-based data collection in order to support informed decision-making that supports the advancement of anti-racism policies, programs, and services.
What's happening at UBC
For events and information about how you can support anti-racism efforts toward a more inclusive UBC, visit the UBC Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence website.
Got an idea?
As part of UBC’s commitment to advancing equity and inclusion across its campuses, faculty and staff are invited to submit a proposal by June 5 for projects that respond to community needs and advance one or more of the actions outlined in UBC’s Inclusion Action Plan.
Applicants can request up to $5,000 per project in Vancouver and up to $1,500 in the Okanagan.
Learn more
Emergency tip: Earthquakes in Southwestern BC explained
Have you ever wondered what causes an earthquake? Are you curious about the Cascadia Subduction Zone? Did you know that there are 3 types of earthquakes that could affect us in Southwestern BC?
For information on these topics, visit Natural Resources Canada’s website.
You can also learn more about earthquakes, including what to do before, during and after one, on the UBC Emergency Preparedness website.
Managing your mental health
Human Resources has collected mental health resources to help you manage your ups and downs. To view workshops, webinars and events, visit the HR event listing.
Our HR representatives are always available for a confidential conversation:
- Monica Haab (monica.haab@ubc.ca): Building Operations, Energy & Water Services, Customer Services & Informatics, and Municipal Services
- Arvind Kang (akang03@mail.ubc.ca): Custodial Services and Infrastructure Development