Dear Friends of HKSI,
Please check out our upcoming events and courses as well as the various opportunities offered by colleagues from around the world.
As we approach the end of the fall term as well as the calendar year, we would like to wish you a safe holiday season and a wonderful start of the new year.
Leo K. Shin
Associate Professor
History and Asian Studies
Co-Convenor, HKSI
Helena Wu
Canada Research Chair, Hong Kong Studies
Assistant Professor, Asian Studies
Co-Convenor, HKSI
14–15 September 2023, 09:30–16:00 HKT
Theory Hong Kong 理論香港廣東話研討會 2023:香港研究在香港
Centennial Campus CPD-2.58
University of Hong Kong
Hybrid event | in Cantonese | Registration not required
This symposium is jointly organized by the Hong Kong Studies Programme at HKU and the Hong Kong Studies Initiative at UBC.
Details: hksi.ubc.ca/events/event/theoryhongkong2023/
走向全球的香港研究負重前行,留下來的香港研究「觀賞街景那動態」,「試聽著每顆心跳和脈膊起伏」 。一時一地的日常生活和文化現像的情感、想像和政治,「想聽得見/用耳聽未必聽見」,要說好香港故事也需要講好香港理論,一方面找出方法聽到各種聲音和沉默,另一方面令個別在地狀況和事件可以被理解為人的處境和經驗。十年前香港研究作為學術場域在「香港(研究)作為方法」的構想中誕生,十年後本次研討會期望通過理論香港建構香港研究論述。
「理論香港」期望通過建構香港研究論述找到場域的重心(center of gravity),擺脫「邊緣」或「夾縫」等相對於權力中心(center of power)的位置。香港的故事很難「說」,但如果「講」香港故事,又好似順口好多,而「講」同「說」嘅分別並唔單係語言同聲音之別。因此「理論香港」首先要建立的論述習慣是用廣東話作為學術語言,重建母語同知識生產的關係。通過理論跨學科同概念性的特點,「理論香港」亦期望連結不同學科的學者交流切磋;圍爐取暖無不可,但越界碰撞才可以擦出火花,帶來創意和批判性,令留下來的香港研究充滿生氣和可能,雖然沒有波濤洶湧,但「平靜的海/ 仍充滿熱情暗浪」。
Asian Independent Cinema Showcase
Saturday, 20 January 2024, 14:00–17:00 PST
North American Premiere of Drifting Petals 花果飄零 and Conversation with Director Clara Law 羅卓瑤
Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema
3/F Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Cantonese | English subtitles | 110 mins | 2021 | Post-screening conversation in English
Join us for the North American premiere of Drifting Petals 花果飄零, to be followed by a virtual conversation with director Clara Law 羅卓瑤 and producer/writer Eddie Fong 方令正. Shot in Australia, Hong Kong, and Macau, Drifting Petals is the latest work by the critically-acclaimed director Clara Law, who won the Best Director Award in the Golden Horse International Film Festival 2021. Made over five years, the bold feature explores the possibility of alternate cinema and is, in the words of the filmmaker, a "eulogy in memory of the City." Through the lens of Macau-born, Hong Kong-raised, and Melbourne-based Clara Law, the audience is invited to ponder on diaspora, home, and memory.
This spotlight event inaugurates the Asian Independent Cinema Showcase.
Free and in-person. Details and registration:
ASIA 324: Literature of Hong Kong
Introduces the literature of Hong Kong from the late-19th century to the 21st century, with a goal to explore how the stories of Hong Kong are narrated and mediated over time. |
ASIA 325: Hong Kong Cinema
A survey of the cinema of Hong Kong from the post-war period to the present. |
ASIA/HIST 373: History of Hong Kong
Explores the history, culture, and identities of Hong Kong from the port’s pre-colonial settings in the early nineteenth century to its post-colonial contexts. |
ASIA 323/HIST 377: History of Cantonese Worlds
The history, culture, languages, and identities of the multi-faceted Cantonese worlds, in the context of Chinese history and the Cantonese diaspora. |
CNTO: Cantonese Language Courses
The University of British Columbia is the only Canadian university to offer a comprehensive, for-credit Cantonese language program. |
Deadline: 15 December 2023
“Hong Kong Inside Out,” an online conference organized by a global team of graduate students, is aimed at providing students from around the world and from a variety of academic disciplines a platform for community building as well as for sharing their Hong Kong–related research. |
Closing: 15 January 2024
The Hong Kong History Centre, based in the School of Humanities at the University of Bristol, welcomes expressions of interest from colleagues at various stages of their career to contribute to, and benefit from, research activities at the Centre. |
Deadline: 28 January 2024
// We are pleased to invite academics, artists, independent researchers and graduate students to submit proposals for a pivotal workshop scheduled for June 2024. With the migration of numerous Hong Kong scholars and artists, there is a pressing need to discuss and dissect the global dynamics of Hong Kong cultures and arts, and their salient impact on local and diasporic communities. // |
Deadline: 31 January 2024
The Richard Charles Lee Canada–Hong Kong Library at the University of Toronto is collecting stories from members of the community who have migrated from Hong Kong to Toronto, Vancouver, or Calgary. The stories collected will be included in an educational booklet that will help shed light on the experiences of the Hong Kong diaspora in Canada. |
Please kindly consider a tax-deductible donation to HKSI (hksi.ubc.ca/support-us). Thank you, as always, for your support of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.