Dear Friends of HKSI,
Hope you were able to take some time off over the holidays and that you are ready for another term of Hong Kong–related events and activities.
Below you will find details for two upcoming screenings HKSI is hosting to inaugurate the Asian Independent Cinema Showcase as well as for a variety of opportunities offered by our friends and partners the world over. We trust you would find something of interest.
With very best wishes for 2024!
Leo K. Shin Associate Professor History and Asian Studies Co-Convenor, HKSI
Helena Wu Canada Research Chair, Hong Kong Studies Assistant Professor, Asian Studies Co-Convenor, HKSI
Asian Independent Cinema Showcase
Saturday, 20 January 2024, 14:00–17:00 PST
North American Premiere of Drifting Petals 花果飄零 and Conversation with Director Clara Law 羅卓瑤
Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema
3/F Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Cantonese | English subtitles | 110 mins | 2021 | Post-screening conversation in English
Join us for the North American premiere of Drifting Petals 花果飄零, to be followed by a virtual conversation with director Clara Law 羅卓瑤 and producer/writer Eddie Fong 方令正. Shot in Australia, Hong Kong, and Macau, Drifting Petals is the latest work by the critically-acclaimed director Clara Law, who won the Best Director Award in the Golden Horse International Film Festival 2021. Made over five years, the bold feature explores the possibility of alternate cinema and is, in the words of the filmmaker, a "eulogy in memory of the City." Through the lens of Macau-born, Hong Kong-raised, and Melbourne-based Clara Law, the audience is invited to ponder on diaspora, home, and memory.
This spotlight event inaugurates the Asian Independent Cinema Showcase.
Free and in-person. Details and registration: hksi.ubc.ca/events/event/screening-drifting-petals
Asian Independent Cinema Showcase
Friday, 2 February 2024, 18:00–20:30 PST
Away From Home: Short Films Selection and Conversation with Filmmakers
AERL 120, Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory
2202 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Join us for the short-film program "Away From Home," featuring Sze-wai HO's Before the Box Gets Emptied 直到我看見彼岸, Chi-him YUEN's The Reticent Wave 爺爺來訪的夜, and Chi-yan SIU's About Simon Says, Simon Says 呼~. Produced in Hong Kong between 2022 and 2023, the three short films share the theme of diaspora and explore the city's past and present through the eyes of the children, the elderly, and the migrant worker.
Before the Box Gets Emptied was named the Best Live Action Short Film at the 60th Golden Horse Awards. The Reticent Wave received a Special Mention at the 17th Freshwave International Short Film Festival. About Simon Says, Simon Says won the Freshwave Award and the Best Screenplay at the 16th Freshwave International Short Film Festival.
This is the first time the three award-winning short films are shown in Canada. The three directors will participate in a virtual conversation following the screening.
This is the second program of the inaugural edition of the Asian Independent Cinema Showcase.
English and Chinese subtitles are provided, and the post-screening conversation will be conducted in English.
In-person Event. Free of charge. Limited seats available. Registration required.
CNTO: Cantonese Language Courses
The University of British Columbia is the only Canadian university to offer a comprehensive, for-credit Cantonese language program.
ASIA 323/HIST 377: History of Cantonese Worlds
The history, culture, languages, and identities of the multi-faceted Cantonese worlds, in the context of Chinese history and the Cantonese diaspora.
ASIA 324: Literature of Hong Kong
Introduces the literature of Hong Kong from the late-19th century to the 21st century, with a goal to explore how the stories of Hong Kong are narrated and mediated over time.
ASIA 325: Hong Kong Cinema
A survey of the cinema of Hong Kong from the post-war period to the present.
ASIA/HIST 373: History of Hong Kong
Explores the history, culture, and identities of Hong Kong from the port’s pre-colonial settings in the early nineteenth century to its post-colonial contexts.
Preserving, Producing, and Circulating Cultures, Arts and Languages in Hong Kong
Deadline: 28 January 2024
// We are pleased to invite academics, artists, independent researchers and graduate students to submit proposals for a pivotal workshop scheduled for June 2024. With the migration of numerous Hong Kong scholars and artists, there is a pressing need to discuss and dissect the global dynamics of Hong Kong cultures and arts, and their salient impact on local and diasporic communities. //
2024 Hong Kong Studies Research School
Deadline: 2 February 2024
Ph.D. students from both local and non-local institutions who adopt “Hong Kong” as their principal area of research are encouraged to apply for this intensive 3-day training program organized by The Academy of Hong Kong Studies based at the Education University of Hong Kong.
HKHC & HKIHSS Conference: Journeys
Deadline: 15 February 2024
// This conference, co-organised by the Hong Kong History Centre at the University of Bristol and the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, takes the theme of journeys and journeying as its topic, and we invite proposals for papers that take this as point of departure for new discussions of the history of Hong Kong in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. //
Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2024
Deadline: 17 February 2024
// We are delighted to extend our warm invitation to scholars engaged in Hong Kong Studies to submit proposals for paper or panel presentations at the Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2024. We are excited to announce this year’s theme as “Resilience and Recovery.” We aim to foster collective and interdisciplinary reflections on Hong Kong Studies as a process in the making during a time of uncertainty. //
14–15 December 2023: Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Studies Programme at HKU and the Hong Kong Studies Initiative at UBC, "Theory Hong Kong 2023: Conference in Cantonese" featured 12 academic presentations that explored cultural theories and Hong Kong studies through the lens of cinema, literature, song/lyrics, drama, place, and translation studies. The occasion also celebrates the 10th year anniversary of the inauguration of the Hong Kong Studies Program at the University of Hong Kong (photos).
Please kindly consider a tax-deductible donation to HKSI (hksi.ubc.ca/support-us). Thank you, as always, for your support of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.