Payroll Timesheets Submission Deadlines
Monthly and Hourly Employees: April 23, 2024 @11:59pm
Managers and Leaders: April 24, 2024 @11:59pm
Claiming Home Office Expenses with the T2202 Form
Employees who work from home may be eligible to deduct home office expenses on their T1 income tax filing with the T2200 form. To be eligible, the employee must be required to work from home. For 2023, if the employee voluntarily entered into a formal hybrid work arrangement with UBC, then the employee is considered to have been required to work from home. Visit the Claiming Employment Expenses FAQ page on UBC Finance for more information.
Curious About Your UBC benefits? Explore the Benefit Tree!
Our updated version of the benefit brochure is now available to help faculty and staff understand what’s available through their careers at UBC. The Benefit Tree PDF is accessible for printing or online viewing. To learn more about your eligibility for the benefits, visit here.
Simplifying and Streamlining our family-building benefits
Already these additional benefits have made it possible for people to access these important healthcare services. We have received feedback in the last 12 months and have worked with our benefits provider, SunLife, to make changes to streamline the processes and ensure we can deliver these services sustainably. To learn more about the changes as of April 1, 2024, please visit here.
Get Active by Participating in the Faculty and Staff Sports Day!
Teams will compete in a variety of physical and intellectual challenges, activities and fun!
Get ready to register your team of four to six participants (creative team names are encouraged) and compete in a wide range of activities for varying levels of experience, fitness and ability.
Registration opens from March 18 to April 24 for the UBC Vancouver Campus.
The event would not be possible without the support of amazing volunteers. Sign up for the volunteer opportunity and get involved!
Volunteer as a Mentor with MentorAbility BC
Help promote the employment of people with disabilities by serving as a volunteer mentor. Any faculty or staff member at UBC who is interested is welcome to become a mentor. Mentors are any working professional who can dedicate time during the mentoring day to meet and spend time with their mentee. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate community leadership.
To learn more about the opportunity, please visit here.
Workshop: The Art of Managing Conflict
Conflict is a common part of life, a natural result of people having different points of view, values, and beliefs. When left unaddressed, workplace conflict can lead to increased absenteeism and reduced productivity. This session includes lecture elements, Q&A, group discussion, polling and chat functions (no breakout rooms). The session will be held on April 22, 2024 from 2-3 pm on Zoom. For more details, click here.