2023 Facilities Expression of Interest Program

The Expression of Interest (EOI) program was created to support frontline staff's career advancement and to develop a pool of qualified prospects for supervisory positions when they become available.
Many colleagues across Facilities have collaborated to create a curriculum that focuses on the skills needed to lead trades and project teams. The content was designed and sourced to prepare the audience to successfully cover for Heads, Subheads, Project Coordinators or Project Supervisors when required.
Before you continue...
You will need to have a digital copy of your resume (file or photo) uploaded to the last page of the application form in order to complete your application.
Needing a computer to complete your application?
Visit www.bit.ly/facilitiestraining to reserve a desk fully equipped with a desktop, monitor and headphones you can use for your EOI Application.
Learn more about the selection criteria, application process and curriculum: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Gls6zZHt2kjJL8
CUPE staff salary scale increase as of April 1
As of April 1, the CUPE 116 Staff Salary Scale has increased by 6.75%. We have updated the Temp Promo (TP) Calculator to reflect the new wages. The updated file has been placed in the shared drive: S:MustReadPlanonWorkDayTemporary Promotions.
April 11 Workday cut-off:
Please note that the new calculator should be used for TP performed on or after April 1. March entries should be processed using the 2022 file. A reminder to managers to update your shortcuts.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update, please contact Gardenia Honoria (gardenia.honoria@ubc.ca) or Tracy He (tracy.he@ubc.ca).
Presentations from the Facilities Quarterly Managers meeting
In last week's Facilities Quarterly Managers meeting, Rishi Purohit, Fleet and Asset Manager, and François Desmarais, Senior Facilities Manager delivered two informative presentations.
Review the presentations (PDF):
New orders numbers for Administrative Time time card entries
As part of the renewal of standing orders for the new fiscal year beginning April 1 2023, we have created new orders for Building Operations administrative time (the 35.xx orders).
These new numbers are active and should be used from April 1 ongoing. The old numbers should no longer be used.
If you have any questions, or you cannot see the new order numbers on your Time Card Entry screen in Planon, please contact the EMMS Sustainment team via ServiceNow ticket.
Order #
BOps Admin Time - Accident Investigations
BOps Admin Time - Crew/Team Meetings
BOps Admin Time - Events
BOps Admin Time - Late Due to Unforeseen Circumstances
BOps Admin Time - Light Duties
BOPs Admin Time - Safety Meetings
BOps Admin Time - Shop Cleanup
BOPs Admin Time - Time off for Voting
BOPs Admin Time - Training/Professional Development
BOPs Admin Time - Vehicles Inspection
BOPs Admin Time - Wellness Initiatives
BOPs Admin Time - Afterhours Call for Crew 31S
BOps Admin Time - Estimating
BOps Admin Time - Apprentice time
BOPs Admin Time - Supervision
Last chance to complete the Facilities Stores Customer Experience Survey
Municipal Services would like to hear about your experience interacting with the Stores counter. Your valuable feedback will allow us to make informed decisions and enhance customer experience.
This survey takes 2 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential and respondents in no way will be identified personally. Results will be reported in aggregate only.
Complete the survey by April 7
Register your team and join the UBC Faculty & Staff Sports Day on May 5
Facilities is looking for teams for the Staff and Faculty Sports Day 2023 May 5. We need 4 – 6 people in each team to participate in the in-person event.
The event will be separated into two time slots (12 pm and 2 pm starts) with up to 1.5 hours of activity followed by a 30-minute social with free snacks and beverages.
Whether you're joining as a Competitive or Just For Fun team, you're bound to have fun!
- Just for Fun Teams Objective: Have fun!
- Competitive Teams Objective: Complete as many activities as possible within the 1.5-hour timeslot.
Please contact Caroline MacLeod by April 19, 2023. Space is limited. So let's register soon! Learn more
Be a voice for campus safety!
The UBC Vancouver Campus and community are constantly changing, and Campus Security is reviewing its services and model to make sure it is meeting the needs of students, faculty, and staff.
Stop by a pop-up in the AMS Nest on April 4 or April 5, between 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. to share your experience, feedback, and input on Campus Security.
You can also take a short online survey (March 27-April 18) and enter to win a UBC gift card.
Learn about other ways you can participate: security.ubc.ca/servicemodel
Spring into action with Spring programs from The Centre
Spring programs are now available for registration! Find tips on back strengthening and conditioning, group training schedule, a simple yet delicious recipe for protein balls, and more.
Open to all VPFO employees on the Vancouver Campus, The Centre offers fitness assessments, classes, gym space, and other services to support our overall health and wellbeing.
Read the Spring program
- Kudos to the plumbing crew in Building Operations for working collaboratively to identify and resolve the water issue at Ponderosa efficiently! Your speedy response helped minimize impacts on exams and building users. Great work!
- Thanks to the Project Electricians for completing the lighting retrofit at the Wood Drying lab in record time and with no impact to the users. Well done!
People in motion
- Selina Liu is joining the Energy Conservation & Innovation team within Energy & Water Services as Energy Conservation Engineer on April 11, 2023.
- Noel McNally has been promoted to Senior Project Manager in Project Services within Infrastructure Development, as of February 7.
Job openings
All positions at UBC are available on the UBC HR Careers website, or through the career application in your Workday account. Please note that applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on the day prior to the posting end date. The following VPFO positions are currently open:
- Oper/Drvr-Heavy Equip (JR12171) – 04/10/2023
- Labourer 3 (JR12078) – 04/12/2023
- Utilities Electrical Engineer (JR11625) – 04/28/2023
- Labourer 2 (Seasonal) (JR11189) – 06/30/2023
Don't forget to apply as an internal candidate! Please review the Apply for an Internal Job Posting guide in the Workday Knowledge Base for instructions on how to apply. Reminder to attach a copy of your resume when you apply for a career opportunity in Workday.
Weekly Emergency Tip: Grab-and-go bag
In the event of an emergency, you may need to leave your home in a hurry. Make sure to have a smaller version of your home emergency kit in an easy-to-access location in your home.
A Grab-and-go bag should have the following items:
- Food (ready to eat) and water
- Phone charger and battery bank
- Small battery-powered or hand-crank radio
- Flashlight
- Small first-aid kit and personal medications
- Cash in small bills
- Seasonal clothing
- Whistle
Learn how to make a kit on the UBC Emergency Preparedness website or the Government of BC’s website.
Managing your mental health
HR has collected mental health resources to help you manage your ups and downs.
As a manager or leader, you play an important role in supporting your mental health and that of your teams. Complete the new required training: Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers and Supervisors.
Representatives are always available for a confidential conversation:
- Monica Haab (monica.haab@ubc.ca): Building Operations, Energy & Water Services, Customer Services & Informatics, and Infrastructure Development
- Gregor MacDonald (gregor.macdonald@ubc.ca): Custodial Services and Municipal Services
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) offers an extensive suite of services to support you – from providing wellness coaching or advising on family issues to offering legal support. Access the EAP confidential services through LifeWorks, by calling 1-866-424-0770.
In case you've missed it
In case you've missed it Here is a quick recap of key events and information that you may have missed. For more details, please click on the links below or refer to our weekly portfolio newsletter, VPFO Update.