Third Space – Solar Decathlon project
Facilities is working with UBC’s award-winning Third Quadrant Design—a team of more than 60 students in engineering, architecture, business, and arts to help plan and manage a new student space on campus that redefines sustainable design.
The 247-square-metre building, officially known as the Third Space Commons, will serve as a collaborative working space and living laboratory for students, industry partners and researchers to investigate zero emission, regenerative and climate-resilient design.
Learn more about the project and what to expect during construction on the Facilities website.
A Walk Through Time – Tree of Life project
As part of a public art installation providing an interactive journey through Earth's 4.5 billion-year history connecting the Pacific Museum of the Earth to the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, construction work for the exhibit extension of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum have started this week until the end of September 2022.
During this time, the main entrance on the north end of the museum will be temporarily closed:
- The main entrance on the north end of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum will be closed for construction.
- The museum remains open and access will be through the southeast side of the building.
- Access to Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory (AERL) will be maintained.
Learn more about the project and what to expect during construction on the Facilities website.
UBC spaces requiring masks
A reminder that while masks are no longer required in UBC public indoor spaces as of June 27, some spaces on campus, such as many health care settings, continue to require the use of masks.
Please note that if your work takes you into the following spaces on campus, you will be required to wear a mask:
Thanks for coming to UBC Facilities' Ice cream Social
Thank you to all those who attended our summer event last week! After a two-year hiatus, it was great to have our Facilities Ice Cream Social again. Once hosted by Building Operations, this year we celebrate as one department: UBC Facilities! Making it more special is the presence of President Santa Ono who thanked our staff for maintaining the campus during challenging times.

The Ice Cream Social was a success thanks to all those who helped, particularly; James Bellavance, the Utility Workers, the Electrical Shop, Custodial Services, and the Street & Operations Support team. A special thank you goes to Emily Jarvis of Athletics and Recreation and Abishek Kanagasabay of the Move U Crew who helped bring some of the activities to our social. Thanks to Jody Ropas and his team for providing the ice cream. It certainly added a new flavour to our day!
Special thanks go to David Kernachan, Gardenia Honorio, Jag Khella, Jenniffer Sheel, Matt de Souza, Michael Laing, Nikii Hoglund, Patrick Wong, Richard Dobie, Ryan Jeffs, and Virginia Langone. Lastly, thank you to our emcees, Peter Lincoln and Evangeline Cerpo for making the event so entertaining!
Join us next year for another fun-filled summer event. Stay cool!

Heat warning this week for Metro Vancouver
A heat warning has been issued this week for Metro Vancouver. UBC Safety & Risk Services has some resources to help you stay cool and safe, including where you can find on-campus cooling centres and temporary water features.
The following air-conditioned UBC buildings are open to the public:
- Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (Monday-Sunday, 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.)
- Koerner Library (Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, closed)
- AMS Nest (Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; Saturday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Visit the Weather and Thermal Stress Safety page for the most updated information about UBC’s on-campus cooling centres.
UBC has also installed two temporary water features to help you stay hydrated under the heat:
Visit the Safety & Risk Services website for more information.
Welcome to the team
- Martin Go has been promoted to Waste Site Supervisor in Municipal Services within Facilities.
- Farewell to Genesis Magat, NAV Data Systems Analyst from Infrastructure Development within Facilities. His last day at UBC is August 5. Thank you for your contribution, Genesis!
Job openings
All positions at UBC are available on the UBC HR Careers website, or through the career application in your Workday account. Please note that applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on the day prior to the posting end date. The following VPFO positions are currently open:
- Sub-Head Tool Crib/Store Operator (JR8644) – 7/20/2022
- Oper/Drvr-Heavy Equip (JR8236) – 7/22/2022
- Auxiliary Service Worker (Term - 6 Months) (JR8649) – 7/30/2022
Don't forget to apply as an internal candidate! Please review the Apply for an Internal Job Posting guide in the Workday Knowledge Base for instructions on how to apply. Reminder to attach a copy of your resume when you apply for a career opportunity in Workday.
In case you've missed it
Here is a quick recap of key events and information that you may have missed. For more details, please click on the links below or refer to our weekly portfolio newsletter, VPFO Update.

EDI: History of Pride in Canada
50 years ago, Pride was born
When the Stonewall uprising began in New York 50 years ago, no one knew it would become such a pivotal moment in the gay rights movement. Fred McDarrah was one of the photographers on the scene. Revisit history through Fred McDarrah’s photos.
How did Pride start in Canada?
Canada also has its own rich history and turning points in the struggle for and eventual celebration of LGBT rights. The most well-known of these are the Toronto raids which lead to riots that turned into what is today, a vibrant pride festival. Learn more about the milestones in the history of Pride in Canada
And Vancouver?
This year’s Vancouver Pride Festival is held on Saturday, July 31, 2022. The first Pride Parade in Canada was unofficially held in Vancouver in 1978. However, it was not until 1981, that the official municipal Pride Parade was held in Vancouver.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health – The difference between emotions and moods
Experiencing a range of moods and emotions is part of being human. Happy, sad, anxious and relaxed — these moods are a part of who we are! Working with those moods contributes to good mental health and helps us behave professionally and with emotional intelligence in any given situation.
Emotion and mood are words that are often used interchangeably, but there are differences. Emotions are short-lived feelings that come from a known cause, while moods tend to last longer, may not be tied to a specific cause, and have more to do with how we feel about ourselves and the world in general.
Emotions can range from happy or ecstatic to sad and angry, while moods can be positive, negative, or neutral — and all of these are perfectly okay, unless they are interfering with how you're functioning. In which case, you may want to consult a healthcare professional or reach out through the many mental health resources available for UBC faculty and staff.
Emergency tip: Making a household emergency plan
A household emergency plan is an important part of how you and your family will respond after a disaster. Your plan will help you gather the relevant information and documents you will need and allow you to reconnect with loved ones should you be apart during the event.
Make sure to carry a copy of your plan with you, and to practice it on a regular basis.
For more information about making a plan, visit the Government of BC’s website.
Managing your mental health
Human Resources has collected mental health resources to help you manage your ups and downs. To view workshops, webinars and events, visit the HR event listing.
Our HR representatives are always available for a confidential conversation:
- Monica Haab ( Building Operations, Energy & Water Services, Customer Services & Informatics, and Municipal Services
- Gregor MacDonald ( Custodial Services and Infrastructure Development