Dear Friends of HKSI,
As we enter the graduation season, we would like to especially congratulate all who have been part of the UBC Hong Kong and Cantonese studies family. We hope you have found the discussions both within and beyond the classrooms meaningful, and we hope we have done our part to strengthen your interests.
And while we are transitioning into our summer mode, we would like to draw your attention to our upcoming conversation on individual marginalized communities in Hong Kong (details below). For those in Vancouver, we hope to see you there!
With all best wishes,
Leo K. Shin
Associate Professor
History and Asian Studies
Co-Convenor, HKSI
Helena Wu
Canada Research Chair, Hong Kong Studies
Assistant Professor, Asian Studies
Co-Convenor, HKSI
Pride Month – Community Talk
Invisible and Marginalized Women’s Communities in Hong Kong
Date: Friday, 14 June 2024
Time: 18:30–20:00 PDT
Venue: 7000, 7/F, SFU Harbour Centre
Address: 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5K3
Map | Parking
Join us for a community talk by Dr. Denise Tang (Lingnan University) and Dr. Gina Yang (Lingnan University) to celebrate Pride Month 2024. Dr. Tang will present their ethnographic fieldwork about older lesbians in Hong Kong, which is also the subject of her latest book. Dr. Yang will share their research on Hakka women’s community in Nam Chung with a focus on the life of single women and the social space they occupied in Hong Kong.
Co-presented by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the SFU Institute For Transpacific Cultural Research, this event celebrates the resilience and the strength of marginalized communities.
生於1940年代至1950年代末的香港年長女同志,她們是如何定義愛情和親密關係?如何跨越性別角色的疆界,探索及實踐同性情慾?田野研究歷時八年,將年長女同志的生命故事納入亞洲酷兒的歷史研究,講者鄧芝珊 (Denise Tang) 將會分享收集和撰寫生命故事的經歷,帶領參加者以同志研究的角度理解她們。
位在香港南涌的蘊貞堂曾經是南涌村民口中的姑婆屋,供未婚、不婚、或者失婚單身女性羣居, 相互照顧,共同修行。女性不婚有違漢人儒家傳統文化,南涌蘊貞堂跟我們平常對姑婆屋的理解有什麼不同? 講者楊靜怡 (Gina Yang) 將透過這一座曾被淹沒的百年建築,帶領聽眾看見幾乎被遺忘的單身客家婦女生活,並探究這個空間曾經盛載的豐富性別意義,如何與漢人宗族、宗教與香港殖民治理歷史特殊脈絡相互交織。
Language: Cantonese & Mandarin
In-person event. All are welcome. Registration required.
Annual Conference
Hong Kong Studies Association (UK)
31 May–1 June 2024
With the theme "Coproducing Hong Kong in a Global Context: Continuity, Rupture, and Toward the Unknown," this conference will feature a keynote lecture by Prof. Michaela Benson (University of Lancaster) titled "Experiencing the Coloniality of 'Global Britain' from Below: Hong Kongers and the Citizenship-Migration-Asylum Nexus after Brexit."
Hong Kong Cultures, Arts and Languages
University of Sheffield, UK
13–14 June 2024
// With 22 insightful talks and a global network of humanities scholars dedicated to exploring Hong Kong’s rich heritage, we are confident this workshop will ignite meaningful collaboration and discussion around the dynamic theme of “Preserving, Producing, and Circulating Cultures, Arts and Languages of Hong Kong”. //
Annual Conference
Society for Hong Kong Studies
14–15 June 2024
// This year’s conference theme promises to ignite an engaging and thought-provoking event that will foster collective and multi-disciplinary reflections on the evolving field of Hong Kong Studies. We believe that this theme will inspire insightful discussions and provide a platform to bring together academics and professionals from diverse fields related to Hong Kong studies. //
April 12: The screening of Leaving in Sorrow and the conversation with Director Vincent Chui marked the closing of this year's Asian Independent Cinema Showcase. With the participation of an enthusiastic audience, the discussion with Director Chui (moderated by AICS co-curators and co-organizers Dr. Helena Wu and Jimmy Lo) offered a deep reflection on independent filmmaking and the power of storytelling (photos).
April 13: The UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative was pleased to be a sponsor of this two-part community event on the culinary flavors of Hong Kong organized by the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society.
Please kindly consider a tax-deductible donation to HKSI (hksi.ubc.ca/support-us). Thank you, as always, for your support of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.