It is with great pleasure that we present to you the second issue of Intersections, the annual newsletter of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative. As it should be evident from the event highlights featured below, the 2017–2018 season was an extraordinarily exciting and invigorating year for HKSI. Not only were we able to bring to campus (and to the community) a wide range of excellent speakers from Hong Kong and elsewhere, we also witnessed the successful launch of a new undergraduate course “Literature of Hong Kong”—as a complement to what had already been a rich offering of Hong Kong-related and Cantonese language courses.
We are deeply grateful to all our academic and community partners, whether local or abroad, for their support and encouragement, and we look forward to further collaborations in the new season.
Finally, we are particularly thankful for the support of the faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Asian Studies, the Department of History, and the Institute of Asian Research. And we are very grateful to those who have generously contributed to the Hong Kong Studies Initiative Program Fund.
Truly finally, we very much look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Prof. Helen F. Siu of Yale University, whose visit to UBC, we are happy to report, will also serve to kick off the third season of the Hong Kong Studies Initiative.
Leo K. Shin 單國鉞
Associate Professor, History and Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江
The University of British Columbia
Hong Kong’s Folk Music and Local Culture
With Dr. Bell Yung
Sept. 21, 2017
The UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative is pleased to kick off its second season with a reception and a lecture on Hong Kong's folk music by Prof. Bell Yung.
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Whither Cultural Studies? Dissent, Despair, and Pedagogy in Hong Kong
With Dr. Stephen Ching-kiu Chan
Dec. 1, 2017
A seminar on the state of cultural studies of Hong Kong with Prof. Stephen Chan of Lingnan University (co-sponsored with the Institute for Transpacific Cultural Research at SFU).
Theology After the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement
With Dr. Justin Tse
Nov. 28, 2017
An illuminating talk by Dr. Justin Tse on the relationship between God-talk and politics after the Umbrella Movement.
Hong Kong after Twenty Years
Veteran journalist and political commentator Ching Cheong 程翔 shared his thoughts about the past, present, and future of Hong Kong.
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Literature of Hong Kong (ASIA 324)
Explores the literature of Hong Kong from the late 19th century to the present. Its goals are to introduce to students the transformation and basic features of Hong Kong literature, the works of important writers, and to further their skills in literary appreciation and analysis.
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One-of-a-kind Offering at UBC
Dr. Laifong Leung spoke to Ricepaper Magazine and Ming Pao Daily about her new course on the literature of Hong Kong.
RicePaper Interview
Ming Pao Article
What is Hong Kong Literature?
"Hong Kong literature is very rich and diverse; it is written not only in Chinese but also in English!"—Dr. Laifong Leung explains what is Hong Kong literature.
Full Video
The City Inscribed Series
A series of public lectures and events in celebration of the launch of “Literature of Hong Kong” (ASIA 324) at the University of British Columbia.
Always Liminal, Always in Transition: Reading Hong Kong as Staircase City
With Dr. Louis Lo
Feb. 9, 2018
Dr. Louis Lo shared his analysis on Hong Kong as a staircase city that exposes the nature of a classed society and represent a nostalgia that is potentially productive.
Hong Kong Nationalism and the Chinese Dream in the Age of Global Capitalism
With Dr. Wai Kit Choi
Feb. 15, 2018
Dr. Wai Kit Choi presented a provocative talk on the predicament of Hong Kong in the age of surveillance capitalism.
The Flower Princess and the Imaginations of Hong Kong
With a phenomenal opening performance by the Vancouver Cantonese Opera, Prof. Kwok Kou Leonard Chan delivered a lecture on the enduring cultural influence of the Cantonese opera "The Flower Princess."
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Transnational Ties Between the Hollywood and Hong Kong Entertainment Industries
With Dr. Sylvia Martin
Feb. 16, 2018
A seminar with Dr. Sylvia Martin on the ties between the Hollywood and Hong Kong entertainment industries.
The Past and Present of Chinese-Language Book Publishing in Hong Kong
With Dr. Angela Ko
March 16, 2018
Angela Ko of the University of Hong Kong Libraries shared her insights into the state of Chinese-language book publishing in Hong Kong.
From History to Fiction: Inventing Hong Kong Stories
Award-winning writer Dung Kai-cheung spoke on Hong Kong as an invention in front of an enraptured audience.
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Colonialism at Work: Hong Kong in the 1920s
With Dr. Leo Shin
April 15, 2018
Dr. Leo K. Shin offered his musings on Hong Kong in the 1920s at a Gateway Theatre forum.
Screening/ Conversation: Boundary 也斯:東西
With Director Wong King Fai
May 8, 2018
Award-winning filmmaker Wong King Fai was joined by members of the community for a screening of "Boundary" 也斯:東西, a documentary on the celebrated writer Ye Si (pen name of Leung Ping-kwan, 1949–2013).
Community Talk: 1967/1997, Reflections on Hong Kong Literature and Cinema 六七 / 九七:香港文學與電影
Dr. Mary Shuk-han Wong and award-winning filmmaker Wong King Fai offered their reflections on the past and present of Hong Kong literature and cinema.
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CNTO: Cantonese Language Courses
From beginner to advanced language learners, the University of British Columbia is the only Canadian university to offer a comprehensive, for-credit Cantonese language program to our cantonese as heritage and non-heritage students.
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Hong Kong Cantonese: What to Do and How to Go?
With Dr. Sze-Wing Tang
March 1, 2018
HKSI is honored to have an opportunity to co-sponsor a talk by Professor Tang reviewing the major grammatical properties of Hong Kong Cantonese to discuss how the Cantonese grammar can be made use of for the study of Chinese linguistics and language learning.
The First UBC Cantonese Singing Contest
March 9, 2018
The Hong Kong Studies Initiative is grateful to sponsor the first-ever Cantonese Singing Contest, where over 30 students and teachers showcased their talents to an overflowing crowd at the lower atrium of the NEST at UBC.
Cantonese Worlds 2 Workshop
June 21, 2018
The HKSI is delighted to co-sponsored a 2-day workshop featuring an exciting mix of open forum discussion with established local and international researchers and educators, presentations by university students, screenings of films and an original musical, and a master class on lyric writing, etc.
The 4th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics
June 23-24, 2018
The Hong Kong Studies Initiative is pleased to have an opportunity to sponsor the 4th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-4). The workshop focuses on new advances in Cantonese Linguistics, including new approaches to theory and data, methodologies, and applications.
Course offered: Hong Kong Cinema (ASIA 325)
Studying Hong Kong cinema allows students to understand the global reach of a major international industry and the local expression of Hong Kong identity.
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Course offered: History of Hong Kong (ASIA/HIST 373)
A course explores the history, culture, and identities of Hong Kong from the port’s pre-colonial settings in the early nineteenth century to its post-colonial contexts.
Field experiential learning course: The Heritage of Chinese Migration (ACAM 390/HIST 482)
A field course that allows students to explore the history, cultures, and geographies of Cantonese migration as well as the historical, cultural, and urban landscapes in Hong Kong and Vancouver.
End-of-Term Celebration for HKSI/Cantonese Language Program
At the end of the semester, Students, faculty members, and guests came together to celebrate an exhilarating year for the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the Cantonese Language Program.
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NEW IN 2018! |
History of Cantonese Worlds (ASIA 323/ HIST 377)
This course traces the evolution and transformation of the multi-faceted Cantonese worlds, both in the context of the history of China and that of the Cantonese diaspora.
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