Song of the Wanderers: A Conversation With Anthony Wong
Date: Friday, 25 October 2024
Time: 6-7:30pm PT
Venue: Auditorium, Asian Centre, University of British Columbia
Singer-songwriter Anthony Wong will reflect on his cultural experience and musical journey and talk about the creative and the affective power of art.
Conversation in Cantonese. Free admission.
Limited seats available. Registration Required.
Please note that the sharing session does not include any musical performance.
The event is co-organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the UBC Cantonese Program; and is supported by the Department of Asian Studies and the Centre for Chinese Research, University of British Columbia, as well as the Institute For Transpacific Cultural Research, Simon Fraser University.
香港大學香港研究 x 卑詩大學共研香江
所謂真相唔方便(inconvenient) ,「講呢啲」就會搞串個 party。「呢啲」令大家掃興嘅嘢究竟係咩嘢,又有咩由來呢?所謂「崩口人忌崩口碗」,有所棹忌嘅正正係人哋或者自己唔想面對嘅「嘢」。「呢啲嘢」一方面可以維持現狀,另一方面則係自我審查嘅基本形式。這就如齊澤克定義的意識形態:不知道自己知道但不斷在做的事。從研究香港到香港研究,多年來不少崩口碗陸續出土,從文化生產中的逆向幻覺、在地經驗和創作在文學藝術研究的長期缺席、與殖民者的共榮共謀、超越「中西」分野/夾縫的歷史視角等等,令我們不停發現自己的崩口,更新對香港和自身認知的觀點、盲點、結構和權力關係。
理論香港2024誠邀各位探討香港研究中各種「崩口碗」的形式及經驗,歡迎在10月31日前提交三百字內提案及一百字內個人簡介。查詢及投稿請電郵 theoryhk2024@gmail.com。
2024 Jade Music Festival
Concert of Convergence
Apart from a number of concerts featuring local and international artists, this year's Jade Music Festival will feature the following events among other panels, workshops, and artist talks, all connected by the theme "convergence," from November 6-9.
Artist Talk
"Hip-hopping My Identity"
Date: Thursday, 7 November 2024
Time: 10:30am PT
Venue: Museum of Vancouver, Vancouver
Speaker: Handwash
// This Hong Kong-born singer-songwriter dives deep into the unique blend of British and Chinese culture in the place he called home. Now based in Vancouver, he is exploring how culture extends beyond his birth place, and how diaspora informs his own creativity. //
"Exploring Ethnicity and Identity in Your Songs"
Date: Friday, 8 November 2024
Time: 10:30am PT
Venue: ANNEX, Vancouver
Speaker: Dr. Szu-Wei Chen
// This workshop will explore how to identify ethnic features of music, if there is any, by looking into three levels of factors, from mediums that deliver music (ex. instruments and vocal styles), to musical materials (ex. melodies and lyrics), and finally, elements (ex. tuning and meter). //
"Disrupt The System Through Language In Music"
Date: Saturday, 9 November 2024
Time: 11:30am PT
Venue: Performance Works, Granville Island, Vancouver
Speakers: Serrini and Enno Cheng
// This panel features Serrini from Hong Kong and Enno Cheng from Taiwan, two innovative artists who are pushing boundaries in the music industry. Through their unique linguistic styles and storytelling techniques, they deliver sociological messages with music as a powerful medium for change.
In this exclusive panel, we will explore their storytelling methods and perspectives on navigating various industry labels. As Asian artists, Serrini and Enno Cheng will reflect on the nuances of expression and the impact of cultural contexts on their work. //
The 7th Bernard H.K. Luk Memorial Lecture in Hong Kong Studies
The Oysterman, the Farmer, and the Marine Police: Hong Kong History at Its Borders
Date: Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Time: 14:30-16:30 ET
Venue: Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library
Speaker: Dr. Denise Y. Ho, Georgetown University
// What does Hong Kong history look like at its borders? This talk examines the experiences of three figures whose life and work traversed Hong Kong’s border with China, focusing on the period from the establishment of the People’s Republic to the early years of China’s era of “reform and opening-up.” //
This event is organized by the York Centre for Asian Research, York University and co-sponsored and hosted by the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library, University of Toronto
September 19 Dr Keith Liu, director of Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, talked about his poetry preservation project Voice of Verse and shared his creative work. (photos).
September 19 Dr. Mary Shuk Han Wong, of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, talked about the development of Hong Kong cinema and adaptation from 1914 to 2024. The talk was attended by a full house of enthusiastic audience (photos).
September 21 The screening of documentary film Liu Yichang 劉以鬯: 1918 was a success. The award-winning filmmaker, scriptwriter, and scholar Dr. Ben Wong 黃勁輝 joined us for a post-screening conversation in person (photos).
Please kindly consider a tax-deductible donation to HKSI (hksi.ubc.ca/support-us). Thank you, as always, for your support of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.