Unit Name

Message from the Administrative Director

Welcome to the June edition of the UBC Department of Family Practice newsletter, where we provide the opportunity to share the activity and accomplishments of our colleagues. I hope you take the time to click the links and learn about what’s happening in the department. With a department as diverse and distributed as ours, the accomplishments of our colleagues are remarkable.

I hope you take the time to explore event opportunities, learn about research taking place in the department and see how colleagues are being recognized. For department awards, like the Cedar Award, I encourage everyone to consider who they nominate for recognition. The more we hear from you, the more we can showcase those individuals who make a difference in our lives and in the department. Please email dept.head@familymed.ubc.com to submit a nomination.

As always, we have included funding opportunities in one place that you can apply for to support your research activity. We are also recuiting for clinical faculty to join our programs and teach future generations of physicians and midwives, and looking for mentors to support our clinical faculty within the programs.

We continue to have an extensive listing of new publications by department members. This is an impressive demonstration of the research that is taking place and showing how it makes an impact beyond our faculty and even UBC.

Please check our social media channels for the latest news about the department.  If you have anything you would like to include in an upcoming newsletter, please email dfp.comms@ubc.ca

Marni Fraser
Director, Administration


Awards and Recognition

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The Cedar Awards: Sherry-Lee Hubick

The Department would like to recognize Sherry-Lee Hubick for the June Cedar Award. Sherry has been an invaluable member of the Midwifery team since 2017. 

As an instructional assistant, she consistently goes above and beyond expectations and brings an ease to everyone’s day. Anything that Sherry is managing is going to be done right and in the best possible way for everyone involved. 

Congratulations, Sherry!

Read more about her here.


To nominate someone for a Cedar Award, please email dept.head@familymed.ubc.com.

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Department Recognition

Allison Campbell Awarded Doctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Allison Campbell (Associate Professor of Teaching, and Midwifery Undergraduate Program Lead) was recently awarded a Doctoral Fellowship ($35,000 x 3 years) from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for her doctoral studies. Allison began a PhD program in the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ), in 2021. Her research will investigate reproductive justice in prison settings, specifically perinatal experiences and maternal-infant relationships in BC’s prisons designated for women, and prison-based reproductive health.

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Dr. Robert Woollard Awarded Honorary Doctorate from Université Laval

Université Laval awarded honorary doctorates to highlight the brilliant careers of eight inspiring personalities. The Department's Dr. Robert Woollard received an Honorary Doctorate in Medicine. You can read more about this achievement here

Congratulations, Bob!


Stephanie Koch Awarded 2023 PGME Administrator Award

Each year PGME recognizes the excellence of faculty and staff involved in our programs who show dedication in program leadership, support of their program and their impact on education and learning in all facets of residency education.

Stephanie was selected as the recipient for Program Administrator in the Family Medicine residency program at the Kelowna Rural/Regional site for her outstanding service to postgraduate medical education at UBC. 

Congratulations, Stephanie!


Dr. Maria Hubinette steps forward to expand patient partnerships within health education at UBC

As the inaugural Canfield Distinguished Scholar in Patient Partnerships at UBC, Maria plans to build on the influential work of the Patient and Community Partnership for Education (PCPE) at UBC Health and the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES). Her two main goals: to augment existing initiatives such as the sought-after Interprofessional Health Mentors program, and to pave the way for new ideas and opportunities for patients and community members to offer their expertise to support health education and health care decision-making.

Read more here

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Celebrating the 2023 BCCFP Award Recipients

From the BCCFP:

"This was an exceptional year for awards nominations. We received over 400 submissions, showcasing family physicians and residents across the province and making the Awards Committee’s job extremely challenging!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a nomination.

It’s been truly heartwarming to read the stories of compassion, strength, leadership, and unwavering support shown to patients and peers – even amidst an ongoing primary care crisis. With that in mind, it’s with a great sense of pride and gratitude that we announce the recipients of the 2023 BCCFP Awards."



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Indigenous History Month at UBC

June commemorates Indigenous History Month in Canada. The month encourages people to learn about, appreciate and acknowledge the rich history, heritage, resilience, contributions and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across the country.

Read more about UBC events here.

To read the message from the Department JEDI committee, click here.

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Pride at UBC

At UBC, we’re proud of our diverse students, faculty and staff. Explore the many Pride activities at UBC, connect with your community, help create positive space on and off campus and stand up for sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) diversity.

Learn more here.

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Talk: Expanding Midwives’ Role in Comprehensive Abortion Care 

The Contraception and Abortion Research Team (CART) and Professor Wendy Norman are delighted to welcome visiting Professor Dr. Marie Klingberg-Allvin from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. Professor Klingberg-Allvin will present Expanding Midwives' Role in Comprehensive Abortion Care.

When: Thursday June 22, 12-1 pm (Pacific Time)

Where: BC Women's Hospital, Room D308

Although we very much hope you will be able to join us in person, this session will be offered for remote connection.

Link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/94758001389?pwd=WFNKeEkrcmRCT0VtQ0xkRDZZbFpZUT09

Midwives’ skills and capacity to empower women and girls and provide services with a life course approach, make them key providers of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and crucial for ensuring access to quality Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC). Investing in quality midwifery care across the life course is key to supporting both local and international population health needs. In this talk the evidence supporting the expansion of midwives’ role in abortion-related services will be presented and discussed.


Gene Therapy for Childhood Dementias: A Sanfilippo Story

Dr. Brian Bigger is visiting Vancouver and will be giving a lecture, we invite everyone who is interested to join in person or on Zoom.

Date/Time: Thursday June 29 – 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Location: Chan Centre for Family Health Education, BC Children's Hospital Research Institute  or Zoom Meeting ID: 635 5951 4809 | Password: 081337


Dr. Brian Bigger gained a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Bath in Applied Biology with a subsequent PhD in Mitochondrial Gene Therapy from Imperial College, London with Prof. Charles Coutelle in 2000. Following post docs in London and Oxford on stem cell gene therapy, he set up the Stem Cell & Neurotherapies laboratory at the University of Manchester and the Royal Manchester Children's hospital in2006. The Bigger Lab has over 30 years of experience in gene therapy vector development and delivery including Adeno associated viral vectors, lentiviral vectors and non-viral vector systems.


Grants and Funding Opportunities

New CIHR Funding Opportunity: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation

In partnership with CIHR’s Institute of Aging (IA), Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH), Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), the Centre for Research on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies (CRPPHE), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Michael Smith Health Research BC, this funding opportunity aims to address the current health workforce crisis, a key priority area identified within the IHSPR strategic plan, and advance the Quadruple Aim (improved population health outcomes, better patient and provider experience, and increased value) and health equity.

We encourage you to engage in this exciting new funding opportunity and appreciate your support in spreading the word. Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation Implementation Science Team Grants

Aim: To inform the implementation, evaluation and/or spread/scale (share) of an evidence-informed workforce solution(s) that addresses system level challenges (e.g., system organization, governance, accountability, remuneration, capacity building) that align with one or more of the themes identified in the CAHS Assessment on Health Human Resources to advance the Quadruple Aim and health equity.

Research area(s): In addition to aligning with one or more CAHS Themes, projects must align with one or more of the following research areas: general health workforce, Indigenous health workforce, pediatric workforce, public health workforce, rural and remote health workforce, cancer health workforce, aging workforce, workforce that cares for an aging population and equitable, diverse and inclusive health workforce.

Additional details:

  • 14 Implementation Science Team grants are available.
  • Each grant = $250,000 per year for 3 years ($750,000 total). 
  • Supplemental funding of $375,000 will support the highest overall ranked fundable application to lead the Evidence Support and Knowledge Mobilization Hub for timely dissemination, exchange, and uptake of evidence into policy and practice.
  • An information webinar is scheduled for June 27, 2023 at 1 pm EDT| Register here.
  • The registration deadline is October 5, 2023
  • The application deadline is November 9, 2023.

For more information, please refer to the full funding opportunity on ResearchNet.



Teach Medical Students and Influence the Next Generation of Health Care Professionals!

Your experience and knowledge are invaluable to us and remain so despite the challenges over the last few years. Clinical Faculty members are crucial to the Faculty of Medicine’s and the Department of Family Practice’s vision. You teach and inspire our learners and are the role models for the next generation of health care professionals, and importantly future family physicians. UBC Medical Students consistently rate their Family Practice exposure as their most rewarding clinical experiences.

We have many teaching opportunities in Years 1&2, as well as Year 3 (Clerkship) and Year 4 (Electives). For more information on our Program, please have a look at our brochures, or contact Vera Maesen at vera.maesen@ubc.ca.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Clinical Faculty Mentoring Program – UBC Faculty of Medicine

When: October 2023 to April 2024

Audience: Clinical faculty within the UBC Faculty of Medicine.

Overview: UBC Faculty of Medicine Clinical Faculty with an interest in being mentored by more experienced faculty, supporting junior faculty as a mentor, or teaching/supervising students are invited to join our popular mentorship program. This formal mentoring program runs over eight-months and includes monthly meetings between mentoring pairs as well as professional development opportunities.

Up to 13.5 Mainpro+/MOC Section 3 credits for Mentees; 6.5 Mainpro+/MOC Section 1 credits for Mentors

Applications close June 30, 2023



The 2024-2025 ADFM LEADS Fellowship Call for Applications Is Open!


The ADFM LEADS Fellowship Program is designed for those who are interested in learning more about whether senior leadership positions in academic family medicine might be a good career fit and for those who aspire to become a senior leader in academic medicine or an academically affiliated health system (e.g., department chair, service line leader, associate dean, vice chair).

The goal of the fellowship is to train pluripotent leaders to have the skills/understanding of a high-level leadership position like a department chair/service line leader/etc. and who would also be competitive for other leadership positions beyond the scope of their current role within an academic medical center or an academic-affiliated health system. It is designed to be complementary to other programs and to also offer something unique without overlap, with an intent to provide high-level leaders for the discipline.

Some highlights of the program to help you get ready for the next step in your career include:

  1. An emphasis on strategic career planning
  2. A cohort-responsive curriculum built around key competencies for family medicine leaders
  3. Small learning communities with weekly fellowship time for webinars, journal clubs, project check-ins; mentorship opportunities
  4. Multiple in-depth in person workshops
  5. An individual project emphasizing an area of personal development

Completed applications are due by Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

ADFM LEADS Application Details

For an application to be considered complete, you need to have:

  1. A complete application form: including your personal essays, project proposal, and current CV/Resume.
  2. The nominator form completed by your nominator (within or outside your institution - may be your Department Chair, supervisor or not).
  3. The time/financial commitment form completed by your direct supervisor.

For more details on the program and eligibility requirements or to review the documents - please visit our site: https://adfm.org/programs/leads-fellowship/ or reach out to Jessie Vera (jvera@adfm.org).

Consider Applying for the ADFM LEADS Scholarship

A specific intent of the LEADS fellowship is to create a pool of family medicine leaders historically underrepresented in senior academic leadership positions from diverse backgrounds and with diverse experiences. ADFM has received funding from the ABFM-Foundation to offset the cost of the tuition up to $5,000 for up to 4 applicants, earmarked for those who might otherwise be unable to participate due to institutional or personal financial challenges and prioritizing those who are historically underrepresented in leadership in medicine including considerations of gender, race, ethnicity and rurality.

See application details now!



Quality Forum Presentation: The ISU co-facilitated a workshop at Quality Forum last week, highlighting the work of https://teambasedcarebc.ca/ and the Team Based Care Advisory. As part of this workshop we piloted the TeamUp card game - reach out if you would like to learn more!

Team Up! Podcast: We are more than halfway through Season 5 of TeamUp focused on roles in primary care teams. Episodes are being released weekly on Tuesdays and some of our recently released include Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Indigenous Liaison and Advocate roles!  Have a listen at https://teamuppod.com/.

PACC Mapping Facilitator Training: We are offering another round of PACC Mapping Facilitator Training in July.  If you are interested in learning more or joining the training please reach out to isu@familymed.ubc.ca.

Save-the-date for the July Community of Practice: The Primary Care Transformation CoP is a virtual community of practice hosted by the ISU for anyone who uses any of the ISU mapping supports.  We gather every couple of months to share local context and transformation initiatives and hone our primary care mapping skills.   Our next CoP is scheduled for July 18, 2023 at noon-1 PM.  If you want to be added to our mailing list to receive information and meeting invites for the CoP, just let us know at isu@familymed.ubc.ca.

Preceptor Resilience SIF Grant: The ISU has now completed piloting an adaptation of Team Mapping focussed on teaching and learning in clinical teams with the Team-based Primary Care Learning Centres (TPCLC) as well as piloting Preceptor Support Mapping with the Victoria and Vancouver-Fraser Residency Sites. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in these pilots!




Barriers and facilitators influencing the management of academic detailing programs: a descriptive analysis of four programs

An unexpected transition to virtual care: family medicine residents’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Experience of stigma and harassment among respondents to the 2019 Canadian abortion provider survey.

Up-to-date on cancer screening among Ontario patients seen by walk-in clinic physicians: A retrospective cohort study.

Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT): Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics from a cluster randomized controlled trial in men with overweight or obesity.

Are family medicine residents trained to counsel patients on physical activity? The Canadian experience and a call to action.

The Medical Abortion Prescriber Checklist and Resource Guide: Tools for prescribers.

Social Prescribing Outcomes for Trials (SPOT): Protocol for a modified Delphi study on core outcomes.

Walk-in clinic patient characteristics and utilization patterns in Ontario, Canada: a cross-sectional study.

Disparities in self-reported healthcare access for airways disease in British Columbia, Canada, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Insights from a survey co-developed with people living with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Telemedicine for First-Trimester Medical Abortion in Canada: Results of a 2019 Survey.

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on enrollment in medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in Vancouver, Canada: An interrupted time series analysis.

Potential Factors Influencing Adoption of a Primary Care Pathway to Prevent Functional Decline in Older Adults.

Respectful maternity care and women's autonomy in decision making in Iceland: Application of scale instruments in a cross-sectional survey.

Can we really say getting stronger makes your tendon feel better? No current evidence of a relationship between change in Achilles tendinopathy pain or disability and changes in Triceps Surae structure or function when completing rehabilitation: A systematic review.

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Opportunities to Participate

BC Children's Hospital

Are you a family physician in British Columbia who regularly cares for children between the ages of 9-11? Researchers at BC Children's Hospital invite you to complete a 5–10-minute, anonymous survey about your pediatric lipid screening attitudes and practices.

You may access the survey at the following link: https://rc.bcchr.ca/redcap/surveys/?s=38PNXXCRXYR48PLY

If you have any questions or need further information about this study, please contact Venessa Thorsen at 604-875-2345 ext. 6186, or via email at cardioresearch@bcchr.ca.


Provincial Screening Program for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

At the HIPpy Lab at BC Children's Hospital and Child Health BC, Provincial Health Services Authority, a group of researchers are currently working to design and implement a Provincial Screening Program for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH). Having a standardized process for early identification of DDH is crucial because DDH is one of the most common pediatric hip conditions. With an early DDH diagnoses, it can help avoid more invasive treatments, and longer-term financial costs for patients.

The first step is to deploy a survey to BC general practitioners to understand the current state of DDH care from the perspective of these clinical specialists. If you could, please take some time to complete the survey to help improve the understanding and best represent BC general practitioners.

The survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. Please see below the survey link and QR code.

Survey link: https://redcap.link/DDHGeneralPractitioners


HR Corner

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Summer is officially here!

June is National Indigenous History Month and we encourage everyone to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.

June is also Pride Month, and we celebrate the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. To continue building a respectful and affirming UBC community, we highly encourage everyone to review the resources by UBC Equity & Inclusion Office.

To foster a strong sense of belonging, let’s think about what we can do together.


HR Team Spotlight

Name: Adrian Whitehead

Pronouns: he/him/his

Job title: HR Assistant, point of contact for 1st-level staff/student questions regarding workday and payroll questions

Q. What does your job responsibility look like?

A. I interact with employees with varying positions and responsibilities day-to-day. I receive general Workday questions and specific questions regarding payroll and time off.

In addition to answering inquiries, I assist the managers with business processes such as retroactive reclassification, employee/temp employee promotion, manual adjustment and monitoring of sick days.

No one day is like another. There are always new learning opportunities and challenges constantly, but solving problems together and helping managers, staff and students are rewarding/motivating to me.

Q. You have been part of the UBC community for 10 years, what is your story?

A. I was an electrical engineering student at a university. But in the mid-year of my study, I decided to make the life-changing decision of going to Japan for a year. With only $500 in my hand with my backpack, I left for Japan. I did not know the language and did not have a job waiting for me. I was anxious if I could make it through a year, but I secured a job as an English teacher and taught English to Japanese students while learning Japanese. Living in Japan helped me explore that I am truly passionate about people, language, and culture. Returned to Vancouver a few years later and joined UBC through Hiring Solutions as a temporary hire and officially received an offer from UBC in 2013.

Q. What music(s) would be the soundtrack of your life?

A. I guess I would go with Affirmation - Savage Garden. The lyrics generally align with my experiences and beliefs.

Q. What is your favourite movie of all time?

A. It's hard to choose one, but I guess the nerd in me would choose the Lord of the Rings series.


What’s New

Payroll Timesheets Submission Deadline

Payroll Timesheets Submission deadline for Hourly Employees: June 23rd 2023@ 11:59 pm

Approval deadline for Managers and Leaders: June 26th, 2023 @11:59pm


CUPE 2950 Ratified

The three-year collective agreement between UBC and CUPE 2950 has been ratified. It is in full effect from the period starting on April 1st, 2022 to March 31st, 2025. To learn about the Memorandum of Agreement, please visit here. For specific questions, please reach out to Adrian Whitehead (adrian.whitehead@ubc.ca)


New daily digest option for managing Workday email notifications

UBC staff and faculty can now select an option to receive a ‘daily digest’ email once a day with a list of all Workday inbox action items from the last 24 hours, instead of receiving an email each time an inbox item is generated in Workday. See here for instructions on how to manage email notifications.


Respectful Environments Survey

To promote a work culture of respect and professionalism across the Faculty of Medicine, this survey aims to measure the progress of actions and initiatives. The survey only takes 15 minutes and we would love to hear from you by 4 pm Friday, June 20th, 2023. Please click here to take the survey.


Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being in Palliative Care

All healthcare workers are welcome to discuss how to recognize and overcome barriers to palliative care for indigenous people, what decolonizing palliative care means and the role of traditional values. Held virtually through Zoom on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023, 12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. To learn more about the event, click here.                      


2023 UBC Pride Connect: 2SLGBTQIA+ Faculty & Staff Reception

UBC Faculty, staff and postdoctoral fellows who identify with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are welcome to join us to build and sustain the 2SLGBTQIA+ network at UBC. Held at Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. To learn more about the event, click here.


3 Tips for an accessible meeting, National AccessAbility Week

National AcessAbility Week takes place from May 28th to June 3rd. We celebrate the contribution of the leadership of Canadians with disabilities, highlight the work of people that are removing barriers and reflect on ongoing efforts to become a better, more accessible and inclusive Canada. Please check out the link here to learn the tips.


From the Faculty of Medicine

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The Faculty of Medicine is committed to improving respectfulness and inclusivity within the working and learning environment for all of our learners, faculty and staff. Share your experiences and shape the work to come by completing the Respectful Environments Survey by Friday, June 30. The survey takes approx. 15 minutes, and responses are anonymous and confidential.

Respectful Environments Survey 2023


Department of Family Practice
3rd Floor David Strangway Building
5950 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3


© Copyright The University of British Columbia

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