Message from the Convenor |
It is not without mixed feelings that we present to you the third issue of Intersections, the annual newsletter of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative. As it should be evident from the events highlighted below, the 2018–2019 season was an extraordinarily active year for HKSI. Not only were we able to bring to campus (and to the community) a wide range of excellent speakers from Hong Kong and beyond, we also witnessed the successful launch of "History of Cantonese Worlds,” an undergraduate course that adds yet another dimension to what was already a rich offering of Hong Kong-related and Cantonese language courses on campus.
We are thus particularly thankful to all the students, faculty members, and staff here at UBC as well as our academic and community partners, both local and abroad, for their continual support and encouragement. Your assurance that this is indeed a path worth traveling is much appreciated.
We are also deeply grateful to Mr. Chi Shum Watt and other friends of HKSI who have generously contributed to the Hong Kong Studies Initiative Program Fund. Without your support, we certainly would not have gone as far as we have.
As we take stock of our activities of the past year, we are of course mindful that it is not without reasons that the teaching and research of Hong Kong has become ever more timely and important. On that note, we would like to draw your attention to the HKSI-sponsored community forum “Hong Kong at a Crossroad: Exploring Canada’s Role,” which will take place in downtown Vancouver on Sunday, August 11.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to bid farewell to our long-time student associate Kennedy Chi Pan Wong, who has worked with HKSI almost right from the start but whose time has come to embark on his own separate journey.
Leo K. Shin 單國鉞
Associate Professor, History and Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江
The University of British Columbia
The Worldly Engagement of the Greater Pearl River Delta Region
Oct. 3, 2018
The UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative was pleased to kick off its third season with the Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture featuring Prof. Helen F. Siu.
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A City Lost or Found? Sketching Hong Kong's History of the Present
Oct 18, 2018
Prof. Ching Kwan Lee (UCLA/Society for Hong Kong Studies) presides over a thought-provoking seminar on how to approach ''Hong Kong studies''.
Collaboration in Late Imperial South China
Nov. 1, 2018
Dr. Gary Luk (University of Saskatchewan) offers an insightful discussion on the fluid maritime world of nineteenth-century South China.
Evolution of Hong Kong's Democracy Moment
February 25, 2019
Students of ASIA/HIST 373 (History of Hong Kong) were joined by 60+ members of the UBC community for a lecture by Prof. Ma Ngok on the evolution of the democracy movement in Hong Kong.
''There's No Place Like It'': Promoting Colonial Hong Kong as a Tourist Destination
March 20, 2019
Prof. John M. Carroll (The University of Hong Kong) delivers a fascinating talk on the history of Hong Kong as a tourist destination.
Hong Kong in the Age of the Chinese Dream
March 25, 2019
Prof. Tai-lok Lui (Academy of Hong Kong Studies) and student leader Alex Chow share their views on Hong Kong in the Age of China.
Screening of 1967
May 31, 2019
Director Wu Hoi-fai of Pants Theatre speaks to members of the UBC community following the screening of an original documentary theatre on the 1967 riots.
Taking It to the Streets
June 18, 2019
Scholars from UBC and beyond are joined by a full house of students and community members to discuss the implications of the protests against the extradition bill.
Standup Comedy with Vivek Mahbubani
March 26 - 30, 2019
Made In Hong Kong standup comedian Vivek Mahbubani takes Vancouver by storm.
Reporting on China and Hong Kong in Vancouver
November 10, 2018
Speakers from the local Chinese media speak to an overflowing crowd on the opportunities and challenges of reporting on China and Hong Kong in Vancouver.
Re-Returnees: Lived Realities and Implications
June 9, 2019
A number of “re-returnees” share their views on the current conditions of Hong Kong as well as their experiences in re-integrating into Canadian society.
History of Cantonese Worlds (ASIA 323/HIST377)
The history, culture, languages, and identities of the multi-faceted Cantonese worlds, in the context of Chinese history and the Cantonese diaspora
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Why ''Cantonese Worlds'' Matters
Visiting Professor Dr. Clement Tong offers an illuminating talk on his new course and on why Cantonese worlds matter.
Beyond Academia
Dr. Clement Tong speaks to OMNI Cantonese (BC) and Sing Tao Daily (Vancouver) about “History of Cantonese Worlds.”
Sing Tao Link
CNTO: Cantonese Language Courses
From beginner to advanced language learners, the University of British Columbia is the only Canadian university to offer a comprehensive, for-credit Cantonese language program to our cantonese as heritage and non-heritage students.
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ASIA 325: Hong Kong Cinema
A survey of the cinema of Hong Kong from the post-war period to the present and an exploration of the influence of Hong Kong on global cinema
ASIA/HIST 373: History of Hong Kong
An exploration of the history, culture, and identities of Hong Kong from its pre-colonial settings in the early 19th century to its post-colonial contexts
ACAM 390: The Heritage of Chinese Migration
A summer Global Seminar that examines trans-Pacific Chinese migrations in global contexts
End of Term Celebration
Students, faculty, and guests celebrate the end of another exciting year with student presentations and a special guest lecture by Dr. Desmond Cheung (Portland State University).
Academic Exchange
The Hong Kong Studies Initiative is pleased to host a student delegation from the Global and Hong Kong Studies program of the Education University of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong in Photographs
Hong Kong in Photographs: Mapping Daily Life in the 1950s and 1960s is a digital humanities project that plots a series of old photographs taken of the city onto a map of present-day Hong Kong.
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Cantonese Language Projects
Students of the Cantonese Language Program are taking advantage of their newly acquired skills to produce ever more sophisticated projects.
ACAM Projects
Check out these wonderful videos created by the talented students who took part in the summer field course on the heritage of Chinese migration.
New in 2019-2020! |
Cantonese Music (MUSC 327 / ASIA 335)
A history of musical genres with Cantonese lyrics from the nineteenth century to the present. Topics include music and text relationships, major singers, major genres (narrative songs, Cantonese opera, Cantopop).
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