Welcome to the fourth edition of Intersections, the annual newsletter of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.
Obviously, this has been an extraordinary year—for Hong Kong, for us here at the University of British Columbia, and for the wider world.
So while we have much to celebrate—the continuation of an excellent array of academic and community engagements, the launch of a new undergraduate course on “Cantonese Music,” the organization of an international workshop on Hong Kong history, to name just a few highlights—we are also constantly reminded why it is so important that we do what we do, that the teaching and studying of Hong Kong has indeed become ever more timely and necessary.
Of course, we could not have done any of our work without the steadfast support of countless individual as well as institutional partners, both within the University and beyond. While it is impossible to mention them all, we do want to take this opportunity to recognize the contributions of our student associates and volunteers. Thank you.
Finally, although it is not absolutely clear how the new academic year will unfold, do rest assured that the Hong Kong Studies Initiative will continue to uphold the values that have all along informed its academic mission.
Leo K. Shin 單國鉞
Associate Professor, History and Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江
The University of British Columbia
The City in Protest series
A series of public lectures, conversations, and events to reflect on the challenges facing Hong Kong.
Making Sense of Recent Events in Hong Kong: A Perspective from Popular Opinions
July 19, 2019
Prof. Stephen W. K. Chiu (Education University of Hong Kong) shared his insights on the “deep contradictions” in Hong Kong society (photos).
"The Force is No Longer with You": The Police and Hong Kong Protests
September 20, 2019
Barrister Randy Shek reflected on the challenges of being a human rights lawyer in Hong Kong (photos) and offered his observations of the transformations of the Hong Kong Police Force (photos).
Right to the City: Hong Kong as an Example
October 24, 2019
Prof. Laikwan Pang (Chinese University of Hong Kong) explored the global meanings of Hong Kong's democratic project ( photos | webcast ).
Chinese State Capitalism in Hong Kong
September 26, 2019
Prof. Ho-fung Hung (Johns Hopkins University) discussed the role of Hong Kong in the development of Chinese state capitalism.
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“Prosperity and Stability”: Why Did Hong Kong Work?
November 27, 2019
Dr. John Wong (University of Hong Kong) offered a thoughtful reflection on the social and economic transformations of Hong Kong since the 1960s (photos | webcast).
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A Vancouver Archive of the Umbrella Movement
November 30, 2019
In a special exhibition, artist Tammy Flynn Seybold and participants of the oral history project "After the Protest" reflected on the Umbrella Movement of 2014 (photos).
Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella 傘上 : 遍地開花
December 7, 2019
Award-winning director James Leong spoke with the audience following a special screening of Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella (photos).
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City in Protest: Observations from the Field
Febrary 12, 2020
HKSI Associate and former Director of the School of Social Work Prof. Miu Chung Yan shared some personal observations from his five-month stay in Hong Kong (photos).
China and the Coronavirus: A Roundtable Assessment
March 4, 2020
UBC China studies faculty offered an assessment of the social, political, and cultural impact of Covid-19 in China and Hong Kong(photos | webcast).
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The Hong Kong Diaspora in the Age of Protests
May 19, 2020
In our first-ever webinar, noted political commentator Dr. Simon Shen offered an overview of the challenges facing Hong Kong and spoke on the need to imagine a new global identity for the city (photos).
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National Security (Law) in Hong Kong: An Assessment
June 10, 2020
Profs. Jie Cheng and Pitman Potter, both HKSI Associates, were joined by Prof. Albert Chen (University of Hong Kong) and barrister Wilson Leung (Temple Chambers) for a conversation on the implications of the then-proposed national security law for Hong Kong (photos).
Mapping Hong Kong—A History Workshop
May 28–30, 2020
Across 16 time zones, 12 presenters and 6 commentators from Japan, Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Switzerland, Poland, and, Hong Kong were joined by dozens of participants from the world over for a 3-day history workshop on “Mapping Hong Kong" (photos).
A Chinese Melting Pot: Original People and Immigrants in Hong Kong’s First ‘New Town’
November 13, 2019
Dr. Elizabeth Lominska Johnson (Curator Emerita, MOA) and Dr. Graham E. Johnson (Professor Emeritus, Sociology) were joined by friends and colleagues in celebration of the publication of their career-long study on the transformation of Hong Kong (photos).
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British Dominance in the Canton Trade and Its Consequences, 1784–1833
January 24, 2019
Prof. Paul A. Van Dyke (Sun Yat-sen University) presented a fascinating body of materials drawn from his latest book on the Canton trade (photos).
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A Conversation with Anthony Wong
September 28, 2019
Singer-songwriter and activist Anthony Wong spoke with Dr. Helen Leung (Simon Fraser University) in front of a packed audience about his long music career, his experience being an openly gay artist, and the intersection between arts and politics in Hong Kong (photos | webcast).
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Hong Kong at a Crossroad: Exploring Canada’s Role
August 11, 2019
Award-winning journalist Daphne Bramham (The Vancouver Sun), Dr. Chow Sung Ming (Polytechnic University of Hong Kong), and Joel Wan (Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activists) were joined by members of the community for a lively discussion on the roles of Canada in the political struggles in Hong Kong (photos | webcast).
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Human Rights in Hong Kong?
September 22, 2019
Barrister Randy Shek spoke to many a concerned member of the community about the state of human rights in Hong Kong (photos).
The Power of "Zines"
October 25, 2019
Artists from Hong Kong-based ZINE COOP were joined by Prof. Laikwan Pang for a Cantonese-language salon at Centre A on the impacts of “zines” as vehicles for marginalized voices (photos).
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Conversations with Chapman To
November 29, 2019
Popular actor, director, and host Chapman To spoke about his experiences as an entertainer in Hong Kong to packed crowds at UBC and SFU.
MUSC 327/ASIA 335: Cantonese Music
A history of musical genres with Cantonese lyrics from the nineteenth century to the present. Topics include music and text relationships, major singers, major genres (narrative songs, Cantonese opera, Cantopop).
Dr. Hedy Law on Cantonese Music
HKSI Associate Dr. Hedy Law spoke on this unique course offering by the UBC School of Music/Department of Asian Studies.
Fairchild TV Interview
UBC Interview
Student Projects
Check out these projects by students of MUSC 327/ASIA 335.
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CNTO: Cantonese Language Courses
Under the leadership of Raymond Pai, the UBC Cantonese Language Program is the only comprehensive, for-credit program of its kind in a Canadian university. Details |
Dr. Zoe Lam on Teaching Cantonese
HKSI Associate and Cantonese language lecturer Dr. Zoe Lam shares her love of (teaching) the Cantonese language.
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Student Projects
Students of the Cantonese Language Program are taking advantage of their newly acquired skills to produce ever more sophisticated projects.
Cantonese Lyrics Competition
Congratulations to School of Music student Emily Liang, HKSI Associates Dr. Hedy Law and Raymond Pai, as well as numerous others for organizing the lyrics competition and for creating a wonderful piece of music (lyrics video | interview).
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ASIA /HIST 373: History of Hong Kong
An exploration of the history, culture, and identities of Hong Kong from its pre-colonial settings in the early 19th century to its post-colonial contexts.
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ASIA 325: Hong Kong Cinema
A survey of the cinema of Hong Kong from the post-war period to the present and an exploration of the influence of Hong Kong on global cinema.
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ACAM 390: The Heritage of Chinese Migration
A summer Global Seminar that examines trans-Pacific Chinese migrations in global contexts.
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ASIA 323/HIST 377: History of Cantonese Worlds
The history, culture, languages, and identities of the multi-faceted Cantonese worlds, in the context of Chinese history and the Cantonese diaspora.
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Class of 2020!
Congratulations—especially to all who have been part of the Hong Kong studies family at UBC (video).
A film series was organized by the student associates / volunteers of HKSI to showcase some of the best Hong Kong cinema has to offer.
New Associates
It is with great pleasure that, over the course of this past year, we welcomed Dr. Su-Anne Yeo (Asian Studies), Dr. Jie Cheng (Peter A. Allard School of Law), Dr. Fuyubi Nakamura (Museum of Anthropology), Dr. Dongcheng Hou (Asian Studies), and Dr. Benjamin Cheung (Psychology) as faculty associates of the Hong Kong Studies Initiative.
In the Media
HKSI Associates respond to the protests in Hong Kong.
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In the Media
HKSI Associates respond to the coronavirus outbreak.
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