Dear Friends of HKSI,
In academic terms, May is in many ways a time of renewal. Wherever you are (especially for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), may the spring of 2021 bring you at least a moment of peace and hope.
With very best wishes,
Leo K. Shin 單國鉞
Associate Professor, History and Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江 |
Friday, 21 May 2021, 19:00–20:30 PDT
Infrastructure Imagination: Charting Hong Kong’s Futures through Construction Photography
Cecilia L. Chu (HKU) and Dorothy Tang (MIT)
via Zoom
A City Archived event
Construction photography differs from familiar urban images by offering alternative perspectives of the inner worlds of infrastructure systems. The photographs also provide rare, behind-the-scene glimpses of construction processes, thus making them a unique type of documentation of cities in the making. In this talk, Cecilia Chu and Dorothy Tang will discuss their curatorial work on a public exhibition ( that showcased a collection of construction photographs by a British photographer, Heather Coulson, who was commissioned to document a number of major infrastructure projects completed in Hong Kong between 1972 and 1988. The collection, which includes highways, railways, power stations and water works, captured the unprecedented scale and complexity of infrastructure expansion during the so-called “golden age of construction.” Collectively, the photographs convey a strong sense of optimism associated with economic and social progress of Hong Kong in this period. The talk will end with a reflection on the divergent audience responses to the exhibition, where nostalgic sentiments about the past intersect with anxieties and hopes for building a better urban future.
Cecilia L. Chu is an associate professor in the Division of Landscape Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. Trained as an urban historian with a background in design and conservation, her research focuses on the social and cultural processes that shape the forms and meanings of built environments and their impacts on local communities. Informing her work is an interest in the design and representation of spaces (as buildings, landscapes, and infrastructures) and the production of their social meanings and values. She is the author of Colonial Urban Development in Hong Kong: Speculative Housing and Segregation in the City (Routledge, 2021). She is a co-founder and current president of Docomomo Hong Kong and an editorial board member of Journal of Urban History and Journal for the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong.
Dorothy Tang is a landscape architect and PhD candidate in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her work is concerned with the intersections of infrastructure and everyday life, especially in communities confronting large-scale environmental change. Her current research explores the landscape and urban impacts of Chinese overseas investments in the Mekong Region and Southern Africa. Professionally, she has worked on a range of landscape infrastructure projects in China and in Southeast Asia. She was formerly an assistant professor of landscape architecture at the University of Hong Kong where she also directed the undergraduate program. Her design work and research has been exhibited internationally.
This webinar is organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and is co-sponsored by: Department of Asian Studies, Department of History, Centre for Chinese Research, Asian Library, and the Interdisciplinary Histories Research Cluster. |
Workshop-in-Progress Workshop in Hong Kong Studies
Organizer: Society for Hong Kong Studies
Deadline: 30 April 2021
//We are pleased to announce the launch of the Work-in-Progress Workshop in Hong Kong Studies. The Workshop now calls for abstracts of papers, articles, chapters and dissertations in progress of any subject in the studies of Hong Kong. Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit their works.//
Becoming and Unbecoming Hong Kong
17 July 2021
Deadline: 15 May 2021
// Hong Kong is in a period of transition, becoming and unbecoming what it is. The symposium "Becoming and Unbecoming Hong Kong'' invites scholars working in a wide range of fields and disciplines from all over the world and at different stages of their careers to share their research on Hong Kong in a 20-minute presentation. In recent years, Hong Kong has become one of the important focal points of international attention and imagination due to the city's dramatic sociopolitical developments. While we are interested in papers that explore issues relating to the intersection of politics, government policies and protests, we are also seeking discussions that widen the scope of analysis to include history, governance, city planning, architecture, medicine and science (e.g. epidemiology and virology), cuisine, film and television, religion, and other fields. //
Hong Kong Studies
Deadline: 30 June 2021
// Hong Kong Studies (published by The Chinese University Press) is now accepting articles and reviews written in English or traditional Chinese for a general issue of the journal, tentatively scheduled for publication in the first half of 2022. Hong Kong Studies is the first bilingual academic journal to focus on Hong Kong from an interdisciplinary perspective. The editors believe that the timely expansion of the field of Hong Kong Studies warrants a journal of its own, in order to provide a focused platform for facilitating exchange between different disciplines and viewpoints in relation to Hong Kong. We welcome papers from multiple fields in the humanities and the social sciences, including but not limited to literature, linguistics, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, politics, history, education, and gender studies. We also encourage intersectional and cross-disciplinary dialogues on Hong Kong affairs. //
Please kindly consider a tax-deductible donation to HKSI ( Thank you, as always, for your support of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.