Dear Friends of HKSI,
As we continue to keep a close watch on the developments concerning COVID-19, please join us in sending our best wishes to all who have been especially affected by this epidemic.
Leo K. Shin 單國鉞
Associate Professor, History and Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江 |
China and the Coronavirus: A Roundtable Assessment
120, C.K. Choi Building, UBC
1855 West Mall, Vancouver
President Xi Jinping has acknowledged that the coronavirus epidemic is the "largest public health emergency" China has faced since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949. On Wednesday, March 4, please join a panel of China studies scholars for an up-to-date assessment of the political, social, and cultural impacts of COVID-19—both within China and beyond.
Moderator: Timothy Cheek (Institute of Asian Research)
Timothy Brook (History)
Why is COVID-19 an Epidemic?
Alison Bailey (Asian Studies)
Contagion & Containment: Public Emotions and State Responses
Pitman Potter (Law)
The Political-Legal Dimensions of COVID-19
Leo K. Shin (History/Asian Studies)
Politics & Public Health in Hong Kong
This event is co-sponsored by the UBC Centre for Chinese Research and the Hong Kong Studies Initiative.
[CANCELLED] “One Country, Two Systems”: Past and Future「一國兩制」在香港的實踐:回顧與前瞻
We regret to inform you that, due to changes in his travel plan, all events related to Prof. Albert Chen’s visit to UBC have been cancelled.
Screening 放映會
Friday, 13 March 2020, 3:45 pm
A Simple Life 桃姐 (2012)
Director: Ann Hui
Cast: Andy Lau, Deanie Ip
120, C. K. Choi Building, UBC
1855 West Mall, Vancouver
Cantonese with English subtitles
Free admission
“Since her teenage years, Chung Chun-Tao, known as Ah Tao, has worked as an amah—a servant—for the Leung family. Now, after 60 years of service, she is looking after Roger, who works in the film industry and is the only member of the family still resident in Hong Kong. One day Roger comes home from work to find that Ah Tao has suffered a stroke and Roger comes to realise how much she means to him. . . .”
Based on real events and winner of Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, and Best Actress at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards, A Simple Life tells the story of a relationship that was at once ordinary and extraordinary.
This social event is organized by the Hong Kong Studies Initiative and co-hosted by: Cantonese Language Program, Department of Asian Studies, Department of History, and Centre for Chinese Research.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Hong Kong and World Literature
Hong Kong Baptist University
“The 2020 Backreading Hong Kong Symposium, co-organised by the Department of English at Hong Kong Baptist University and the literary journal Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, will take place on Saturday, 16 May 2020. The theme of the symposium is “Hong Kong and World Literature”. The languages of the 2020 symposium will be Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and English. We welcome both established and early-career academics to take part. The one-day symposium will also include panel discussions and a poetry reading.”
Deadline for proposals: 23 March 2020
Saturday, 30 May 2020
Hong Kong and Elsewhere: A Hong Kong Studies Symposium
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
“This conference, our third, aims to focus on Hong Kong’s relations with places beyond its borders, be they political, social, cultural, culinary, imaginary, or financial. Topics that might be considered for papers are colonial rule, migration, refugees and resettlement, protest and asylum provisions, Hong Kong’s relations with its neighbours and beyond—the mainland, Macau, Taiwan, and further away, Hong Kong food, health pandemics such as SARS and the current novel coronavirus, Hong Kong’s use of common law precedence, architecture, banking, financial crime, literary and cinematic representations of Hong Kong in local and foreign texts.”
Deadline for proposals: 30 March 2020
February 12: HKSI Associate and former Director of the School of Social Work Prof. Miu Chung Yan shared some personal observations from his five-month stay in Hong Kong (photos).
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