Dear Friends of HKSI,
Thank you for your support. We are pleased to have received over 200 audiences in the screening of the digital restoration of Hong Kong cinema classic Rouge and the virtual conversation with Director Stanley Kwan last month.
Coming up next, we are excited about showcasing To be Continued, a documentary about impresario Harry Odell and the State Theatre in Hong Kong, in May. The directors will join us for a virtual conversation and talk about their journey into the history of the iconic theatre.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Dr. Helena Wu
Canada Research Chair, Hong Kong Studies
Assistant Professor, Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver
To Be Continued 尚未完場:
A Documentary about the State Theatre 皇都戲院 in Hong Kong
Saturday, 13 May 2023, 15:00 - 17:00 PDT
Room 1700, Labett Hall, SFU Harbour Centre,
555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
Directed by Haider Kikabhoy, Dora Choi | 2023 | Cantonese, English | Bilingual subtitles | 80 minutes | Documentary
What began as a conservation campaign to save the iconic State Theatre in Hong Kong morphed into five years of research and interviews with those who witnessed Harry Odell, Hong Kong’s first impresario, in action. The result: a film that is as much a study of one indomitable pioneer as it is a soul-searching journey of what defines Hong Kong.
Watch the trailer.
The screening will be followed by a virtual conversation with the directors to be hosted by Dr. Helen Leung (SFU) and Dr. Helena Wu (UBC).
Registration required.
The screening+conversation is co-organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the Institute for Transpacific Cultural Research of the Simon Fraser University.
Book Talk
Hilton Cheong-Leen (張有興) First Chinese “Mayor” of Hong Kong
Gary Cheung and Oliver Chou
Friday, April 28, 2023, 1700 – 1830 HKT
16/F, Chun Wo Commercial Centre, No. 23-29 Wing Wo Street, Central
// Hilton Cheong-Leen was a legend in Hong Kong’s history. It is no coincidence that his 34 years of public service witnessed the city’s historic transformation from a regional entrepot to an international financial centre. He was a key player in that historic process and a visionary too in bringing about changes in a wide range of issues from politics to livelihood. He held firm in the belief that traditional Chinese values were applicable in the modern world and Hong Kong was a case he strived hard to prove the East-West compatibility. A businessman and a baritone, he knew the art of delivering ideas and principles. He upheld core values such as civic rights, wider political participation and social justice not through slogans but solid advice and practice in constitutional reform, education, hygiene, housing, transportation, arts, to name just a few. //
More details
This book talk is organized by the Society for Hong Kong Studies.
March 21: In this in person talk, Dr. John D. Wong (University of Hong Kong) talked about the history of commercial aviation in Hong Kong and examined the impacts of globalization and the expressions of modernity. [photos]
March 25: The screening of Rouge 胭脂扣 was accompanied by a special exhibition about Leslie Cheung. The conversation with director Stanley Kwan was co-hosted by Dr. Helen Leung (Simon Fraser University) and HKSI Convenor Dr. Helena Wu (University of British Columbia) [photos].
April 13: We celebrated the end of term with our students and showcased all the amazing student projects from the Hong Kong studies and Cantonese language-related courses. [photos]
For a complete list of our video recordings, please visit our YouTube channel or the “ Video Library" section of our website. |
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