Arts ISIT News | January 2023 Issue
Update to the student application process in AIR
As of October 2023, new UBC applicants will only receive a CWL once they have been admitted as a student. This may impact some units that currently require a valid CWL from prospective students to access student application forms on AIR.
Data privacy week @ UBC
January 23 – 26, 2023
Learn about the impact technology has on our privacy rights and the importance of protecting personal information. Join sessions on privacy innovations, privacy issues in student and employee investigations, and web analytics and marketing.

Reminder to renew Adobe license
Adobe products are available to UBC staff and faculty to conduct university business at no cost. As UBC has a limited number of Adobe licenses, please order software licenses based on your needs.
- Adobe Acrobat: License to be renewed once a year
- Adobe Creative Cloud for Faculty: License to be renewed once a year
- Adobe Creative Cloud for Staff: License to be renewed once every three months
Tip: When you are logging in to Adobe, instead of using your email address, type in the email address field and press the TAB key to be redirected to a CWL login page.
Arts case study
Build towards a major assignment using low-stakes formative assessments
In-class learning activities can provide a scaffolded approach to major assignments by building on students’ confidence, fostering community, and providing multiple opportunities for feedback and reflection. In this case study, John Vigna (CRWR) and Annabel Lyon (CRWR) break down how they accomplished this in the redesign of their course.

Ensure your courses run smoothly with our start-of-term checklist
Explore our recommendations on setting up your courses on Canvas, granting access to your teaching assistants, troubleshooting your learning technologies, booking spaces, and more.
Upcoming call for proposals: Students as Partners fund
From February 1–24, you’ll be able to submit a proposal for up to $7,100 per project to further student-faculty partnerships in course redesign.
Practical resource for Arts teaching assistants
This curated resource for Arts teaching assistants and graduate academic assistants includes a self-paced Canvas training course, workshops on getting started with Canvas and going beyond the basics, as well as how to teach on Zoom, its features, best practices, and more.
Meet and greet workshop for new Arts faculty and teaching assistants
Wednesday, January 25, 10-11 a.m. | Buchanan B125 and Zoom
Learn about the valuable teaching and learning resources you have access to within the Faculty of Arts, including course delivery tools, how to book equipment for your courses, where to receive direct support, and more.
TA Institute
January 16–19, 2023
In this week of professional development workshops, graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants (TAs) will learn how to explore and support inclusivity, equity, accessibility and wellness; gain fundamentals of TAship; practice experiential and active learning techniques and more.
Upcoming CTLT events
Students as Partners (SaP) Fund proposal information session
Tuesday, January 17 | 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Inclusive teaching: what is it and why does it matter?
Tuesday, January 24 | 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Indigenous foundations 101: getting started
Thursday, January 26 | 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Arts Instructional Support &
Information Technology
1866 Main Mall - Buchanan C113
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
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