Dear Friends of HKSI,
As we navigate the fast-changing landscape around us, we here at the University of British Columbia will continue to do what we can to foster conversations and to build capacity.
Stay safe and be well, wherever you are.
Leo K. Shin 單國鉞
Associate Professor, History and Asian Studies
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative 共研香江
Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 19:00 ( Pacific Daylight Time)
National Security (Law) in Hong Kong: An Assessment
via Zoom
A City in Protest event
The decision by the National People’s Congress to introduce a national security law in Hong Kong has generated strong reactions both within the special administrative region and far beyond. Why is the proposed law deemed necessary by some but viewed with deep
concerns by others? How would the proposed law affect the ways of life of the people in Hong Kong? And how would the proposed law reconfigure Hong Kong’s long-standing status as an international hub? Finally, what implications does the introduction of the
proposed law have for countries such as Canada?
Albert Hung-yee Chen, University of Hong Kong
Wilson Leung, Temple Chambers
Jie Cheng, University of British Columbia
Pitman Potter, University of British Columbia
This roundtable is sponsored by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative, Department of Asian Studies, the Centre for Asian Legal Studies, and Centre for Chinese Research
"The Museum of Vancouver and the University of British Columbia proudly present a new feature exhibition,
A Seat at the Table: Chinese Immigration and British Columbia. This exhibition, which has 2 locations, explores historical and contemporary stories of Chinese Canadians in BC and their struggles for belonging. It looks to food and restaurant
culture as an entry point to feature stories that reveal the great diversity of immigrant experience and of the communities immigrants develop."
Accompanying lecture by co-Curator Dr. Henry Yu:
Congratulations to all who took part in the Combating Covid-19 Cantonese Lyrics Competition 抗疫時代 粵語填詞比賽 organized by the UBC School of Music and the Cantonese Language Program. We look forward to the release of the winning song later this summer. |
For the first-ever HKSI webinar (“The Hong Kong Diaspora in the Age of Protests"), Dr. Simon Shen 沈旭暉 offered an overview of the challenges facing the city and spoke on the need to imagine a new global identity for Hong Kong.
Across 16 time zones, 12 presenters and 6 commentators from Japan, Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Switzerland, Poland, and, of course, Hong Kong were joined by dozens of participants from the world over for a 3-day history workshop on “Mapping Hong Kong.” Heartfelt thanks to the HKSI Student Associates as well as our institutional partners here at UBC and abroad for your support. We’ll see you again next year.
Please kindly consider a tax-deductible donation to HKSI ( Thank you, as always, for your support of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative.