April Cedar Award
In April, we were proud to highlight Drs. Flora and Leo Wong as the recipients of the Cedar Award. They were nominated by Bill Upward, Teaching and Learning Strategist. Read here to see what Bill had to say about them and their contributions to the Department of Family Practice.
Congratulations, Flora and Leo!

May Cedar Award
Lindsay Gowland is a standout manager known for unparalleled responsiveness and proactive leadership. She consistently ensures seamless operational flow of the department’s Enhanced Skills Program and has an astute awareness of areas that need attention. With her reputation for being dedicated, inspiring and making things happen, Lindsay is the worthy recipient of the May Cedar Award.
Read here to see what her colleagues have to say about her.
Congratulations, Lindsay!

June Cedar Award
Blake Dobie has been with the Midwifery Program for over a decade, working in a variety of roles. He first helped run a pilot for international midwives before taking on the role of student services manager. These days, he is the senior administrative business manager. Blake's dedication to the development of new midwives and his knowledge of the department speaks to his recent promotion.
Read more about Blake and his accomplishments here.
Congratulations, Blake!
BCCFP R2 Resident Awards 2024
The Postgrad Program is excited to celebrate the residents who received the BCCFP Resident Awards: Drs. Olivia Anglin, David Luu, Haley Smith, Celine McCaughran-Contreras and Erin Slade.
Please join us in congratulating each of them on this achievement!
Read more about their achievements here.
Melissa Lem Receives the 2024 YWCA Women of Distinction Award
The 41st annual YWCA Women of Distinction Awards winners and nominees—including department member Dr. Melissa Lem—were celebrated during a gala ceremony on May 13. Several members of the UBC Faculty of Medicine were nominated for the awards across categories including Education, Training and Development, Environmental Sustainability, Health and Wellness, and Research, the Sciences and Technology.
The YWCA Women of Distinction Awards honour extraordinary women leaders for their contributions to the well-being of communities across Metro Vancouver.
Read more here.
Doctoral Exams Chairs 2023 (FMPR)
Every year, final examinations are held for more than 500 UBC doctoral candidates, and each of these examinations involves a faculty member serving in the role of Chair. Chairs of doctoral examinations have an important function; they represent the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, ensure the exam is fair and proceeds according to UBC policies, and report back about the proceedings and the Examining Committee’s recommendation.
On behalf of Dean pro tem Michael Hunt, we recognize the following faculty members from the department who chaired doctoral examinations between January and December 2023:
- David Kuhl
- Karim Miran-Khan
We sincerely appreciate the service they have provided, and continue to provide, to the University and in support of quality graduate education and research.
Virtual Open House: Indigenous Stream – Clinical Educator Fellowship Program
Following a successful, inaugural round of applications for the Indigenous Stream of CHES’ Clinical Educator Fellowship Program, we are pleased to announce the second call for applications.
CHES has an established, learner-centred Clinical Educator Fellowship Program. The Indigenous Stream is specifically seeking Indigenous applicants to participate in a four-year, part-time, funded position (or two years full-time). This fellowship stream is for any Indigenous physician and Indigenous ally physician interested in developing knowledge and skills as a Clinical Educator. Fellows within the Indigenous Stream, with the support of an advisory group, will help create a vision of an Indigenous approach to educational leadership and work alongside our incoming, first cohort of two fellows in the Indigenous Stream, Drs. Chelsea Monell and Janelle Syring.
They are hosting a virtual information session for the Indigenous Stream on Tuesday, June 25 from 5.30-7pm. Attendees will meet with Dr. Rose Hatala, our Program Director, to learn more about the program and ask any questions they might have. Please click here to register to receive the Zoom link.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the Program Coordinator Sara at cef.program@ubc.ca
Learn more here.
Featured UBC Pride Events
From UBC Pride:
At UBC, we’re proud to celebrate 2SLGBTQIA+ students, faculty and staff. Explore the many Pride activities at our Vancouver and Okanagan campuses, connect with your community, and reflect on what each of us can to do support 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion.
Find events here.

Indigenous History Month Events
From UBC Events:
June commemorates Indigenous History Month in Canada. The month encourages people to learn about, appreciate and acknowledge the rich history, heritage, resilience, contributions and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across the country.
Find events here.

Virtual Open House
The Enhanced Skills Program will be holding a virtual open house on July 18, at 5:30pm PST. This will be an opportunity to connect with our program directors and administrators across Category 1 and Category 2 programs.
The agenda will include brief presentations from our programs, followed by individual break-out rooms so you can ask questions in a low-stress, friendly environment. Register at the link below to indicate you would like to attend.
Remember: UBC Enhanced Skills Programs (also called Plus 1s, or R3 years) are open to both graduating Family Practice residents and practising physicians!
Learn more here.
Medical Psychotherapy Association Canada
June 21-23 | In-Person and Virtual
Learn more, download the program and register here.
Grants and Funding Opportunities
Peter Wall Legacy Awards Program Launched
UBC’s inaugural Wall Fellowships and Wall Research Awards competitions launched in April. This program of awards, valued at almost $4 million annually, is made possible by the Peter Wall Legacy Fund.
The program is structured as follows:
- Wall Fellowships valued at $1 million each, which will be awarded to two faculty members each year; and
- Wall Research Awards, which are available for individual and team projects from faculty members, as well as for graduate students.
The awards will initially focus on research relating to three areas of interest:
- Sustainable approaches to and development of the general urban environment, including water, energy and transportation infrastructure in British Columbia;
- Environmental protection of oceans, beaches and waterfronts that impact British Columbia; and
- Sustainable approaches to resource-intensive industry in British Columbia.
Projects within these areas of interest will principally relate to British Columbia but may also apply to, and address other, Canadian and international regions.
Read the full details at https://walllegacyawards.ubc.ca
UBC Family Practice Residency Curriculum Mapping App
With the launch of an innovative app, curriculum mapping is more efficient than ever.
In collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine’s Digital Solutions EdTech team, the Family Practice Residency Program created a user-friendly and standardized curriculum mapping tool that is consistent across all of our distributed training sites.
It is used to map the site-level curriculum to the program’s expected common curricular outcomes, despite of any variability in curriculum design across training sites. The resulting end product is our Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Mapping App, which has been implemented across the program and its training sites since February 2022.
This tool allows for site-level curriculum maps to be filled out in real-time. It not only directly informs training sites about their curricular strengths and/or deficiencies, but also allows the central program to conduct further curricular data analysis in order to determine where curricular gaps may exist and where resources could potentially be shared across training sites.
The app is free to members of the Department of Family Practice. Learn more here.
If you are interested in getting access, please contact Maja Klempner.

Opening of Murphy's Landing — Vernon Resident Housing
The Postgraduate Program recently celebrated the opening of Murphy’s Landing – a workforce housing project to accommodate family doctors and ultimately improve healthcare access in the North Okanagan.
Community Futures North Okanagan, local developer AIM and the City of Vernon partnered to create this affordable living solution. This vibrant housing complex includes three homes and five separate living spaces for residents and medical professionals in the region.
With a new, affordable place for residents to call home, the North Okanagan site is ready to shape the future of primary care.
Sport and Exercise Medicine
Recent Events: Whitecaps, Whistler and the Sun Run
As a prize for participation in the Healthy Workplace Initiative Program, members of the Sport and Exercise Medicine Clinic attended a Whitecaps game together.
The interdisciplinary Whistler retreat was relaunched this year. Members of the SEM Clinic, IMS program, Orthopedics, Kinesiology and the Allan McGavin Physio group came together for an educational seminar involving practitioners and staff.
In April, the SEM clinic attended the 40th Sun Run in Vancouver. We teamed up with the Allan McGavin Physio team to inform participants of our services and run the race.
British Columbia Team-based Primary Care Evaluation
Do you want to learn about how your team is working together and contribute to team-based primary care policy in BC? See here for more information about the evaluation being conducted by the Innovation Support Unit and find out how your primary care team can get involved.
Nurse Compass
The ISU is thrilled to announce the launch of a new online tool, Nurse Compass, that helps clinics and primary care providers learn more about the scopes of practice for RNs, RNs with certified practice, and LPNs and how each designation can provide patient care in primary care. Nurse Compass is comprised of several sample care activities that are common in primary care and users can select activities according to the needs of their clinic or patient population to explore which nursing designations can perform those activities.
Nurse Compass was developed, with funding from the Ministry of Health, by Health Quality BC (HQBC) and the UBC Innovation Support Unit (ISU), who consulted with Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia (NNPBC), British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), the Nursing Policy Secretariat, Ministry of Health, and leaders from Health Authorities across BC.
Research Community Survey
From the Office of the Vice Dean, Research
In the fall of 2024, the University-Industry Liaison Office and entrepreneurship@UBC, both under the Vice-President Research & Innovation Portfolio, will join together to offer enhanced support to UBC researchers.
At this pivotal juncture, they request 5-10 minutes of your time to help identify opportunities better support you.
Please note that this survey is anonymous and seeks your honest feedback.
You can access the survey here.
Watch Past Research Rounds
Couldn't make it to a research round? Visit here to watch the latest.
Department of Family Practice Faculty Named in Top 50 Cited Primary Care Researchers List
Four members of the UBC Department of Family Practice have been named to the primary care researchers most-cited list.
The 50 most-cited primary care researchers in Canada—as published by Canadian Family Physician—were identified by analyzing data from the Scopus database. Various parameters, including the number of publications and citations, research themes, content analysis, journal impact factors and field-weighted citation impact for their publications, were assessed.
The University of British Columbia ranked third in number of researchers identified.
The following department researchers were among the academics named to this list:
- Martin Dawes, Professor Emeritus and former Department Head
- Michael Klein, Professor Emeritus
- Robert Petrella, Department Head, Professor
- Ellen Wiebe, Clinical Professor
Read the full article here.
Payroll Timesheets Submission Deadline
Monthly and Hourly Employees: June 23, 2024 @11:59pm
Managers and Leaders: June 24, 2024 @11:59pm
Resource Guide for New Managers
Are you new to your people management role at UBC? Whether you’re newly hired or you’ve recently been promoted to people management role, this resource guide is designed to help you navigate the various resources at UBC and learn when and how to access them. To access the Resource Guide for New Managers, please visit here.
Understanding Your UBC Staff Pension Plan 2024
Understanding Your UBC Staff Pension Plan (UYSPP) is an informative, 90-minute workshop for active UBC Staff Pension Plan members. All ages are welcome to attend. This workshop helps members learn about their Plan, pensions in general, and related retirement considerations. If you are interested in retirement planning, this workshop will help you understand your retirement options.
This workshop is live and takes place on June 26, 2024 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm via Zoom video conferencing. To learn more about the workshop, please visit here.
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor - Clinician Scientist, Family & Community Medicine (UofT)
Family Practice Postgraduate Co-Site Director
Department of Family Practice
3rd Floor David Strangway Building
5950 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3